用于生成C#代码的XML语法 - java



我尝试使用工具xsd.exe,并设法从一个xml文件创建了xsd文件,但是当我尝试生成.cs文件时,却出现以下错误:Error: Can only generate one of classes or datasets.


C:\Program Files (x86)\Xsd2Code>Xsd2Code.exe Vehicle.xml Vehicle.cs

Xsd2Code Version
Code generation utility from XML schema files.

Error: Declaración XML inesperada. La declaración XML debe ser el primer nodo del documento y no pueden aparecer espacios en blanco delante. Línea 2, posición 3.
        SubType: Unspecified


错误:意外的XML声明。 XML声明必须是第一个节点,并且之前不能包含空格。第2行,位置3。


<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:hfp="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-hasFacetAndProperty" targetNamespace="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" blockDefault="#all" elementFormDefault="qualified" version="1.0" xml:lang="EN">
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


Error: Schema validation failed:
El elemento 'traciClass' no es compatible en este contexto.
        SubType: Unspecified


The element traciClass is not compatible in this context.


这是一个模板,说明了如何在XML for Java中定义不同的对象,但是我想知道这种结构对于C#是否会有所不同。

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- This file is used to generate a Java class with the same name for a 
    TraCI object. This saves manually writing a lot of boilerplate code. -->
    <!-- The name of the object. It will be used as the class name. First letter 
        is capital. Must be equal to this document's file name. -->

    <!-- The javadoc of the class that will be generated. -->
    Put your object description here.

    <!-- Lists all the other repositories that are needed by the queries -->


    <!-- List of all "read" queries, i.e. those that don't change the state 
        of the object and return a value -->


            <!-- The name of the query. If the name is XXX, the Java class will contain 
                a method named queryXXX() -->

            <!-- The enum name of the query. It will appear as an enum entry
            in the inner Variable enum, and can be used with the getReadQuery() method -->

            <!-- A numeric value or a constant of type int that tells the variable 
                ID -->

            <!-- The Java class name that can make the query. It must be a subclass 
                of ReadObjectVarQuery. If the class is on the package
                it.polito.appeal.traci, the package name can be omitted-->

            <!-- The return type of the query. It must be the same type (or a supertype) 
                of the type parameter V specified in the above class. 
                Leave it empty to use the query class as the return type. -->

            <!-- If true, it means that this value may change at every simulation 
                step. -->

        <!-- add other read queries here -->

    <!-- List of all "change state" queries, i.e. those that change the state 
        of the object and don't return a value -->

        <!-- The syntax of a changeStateQuery is similar to readQuery, differences 
            are listed below. -->
            <!-- Lists the read queries that may be changed by the execution of this 
            query, identified by their name. Calling this query will clear the caches 
            of the queries contained here. -->

        <!-- add other change state queries here -->






根据xsd.exe docs,您可以使用它从XML实例推断模式。然后,您可以由此生成类。

xsd.exe instance.xml
xsd.exe instance.xsd /classes

Visual Studio也可以帮助您:将XML复制到剪贴板,然后单击Edit | Paste Special | Paste XML as Classes

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