未记录Mono GC的最大堆大小。在生产中使用安全吗? - c#


根据实验和according to the code,它确实可以实现我想要的功能。

但是,此选项isn't documented。




export MONO_GC_PARAMS=xxx
mono sample.exe


Warning: In environment variable `MONO_GC_PARAMS': Unknown option `xxx`. - Ignoring.

MONO_GC_PARAMS must be a comma-delimited list of one or more of the following:
  max-heap-size=N (where N is an integer, possibly with a k, m or a g suffix)
  soft-heap-limit=n (where N is an integer, possibly with a k, m or a g suffix)
  nursery-size=N (where N is an integer, possibly with a k, m or a g suffix)
  major=COLLECTOR (where COLLECTOR is `marksweep', `marksweep-conc', `marksweep-par', 'marksweep-fixed' or 'marksweep-fixed-par')
  minor=COLLECTOR (where COLLECTOR is `simple' or `split')
  wbarrier=WBARRIER (where WBARRIER is `remset' or `cardtable')
  stack-mark=MARK-METHOD (where MARK-METHOD is 'precise' or 'conservative')
  evacuation-threshold=P (where P is a percentage, an integer in 0-100)
 Experimental options:
  save-target-ratio=R (where R must be between 0.10 - 2.00).
  default-allowance-ratio=R (where R must be between 1.00 - 10.00).

如您所见,列出了max-heap-size,而不是Experimental Options。所以我说这很安全。

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