带原始Dict的flask-restplus字段.Nested()(不是模型) - python




    "metadata": {
        "files": [] 
    "result" : {
        "data": [
                 "user_id": 1,
                  "user_name": "user_1",
                  "user_role": "editor"
                  "user_id": 2
                  "user_name": "user_2",
                  "user_role": "editor"
                  "user_id": 3,
                  "user_name": "user_3",
                  "user_role": "curator"

但是问题来了,如果不使“数据”本身成为模型,就无法获得"result" : { "data": []}的结构。


# define metadata model
metadata_model = api.model('MetadataModel', {
          "files": fields.List(fields.String(required=False, description='')),
# define user model 
user_model = api.model('UserModel', {
          "user_id": fields.Integer(required=True, description=''),
          "user_name": fields.String(required=True, description=''),
          "user_role": fields.String(required=False, description='')

# here is where I have the problems
user_list_response =  api.model('ListUserResponse', {
            'metadata': fields.Nested(metadata_model),
            'result' :  {"data" : fields.List(fields.Nested(user_model))}

无法从"data"获取“模式”的投诉(因为这不是已定义的模型),但是我不想成为新的api模型,只想添加一个名为“ data”的键。有什么建议?


user_list_response =  api.model('ListUserResponse', {
            'metadata': fields.Nested(metadata_model),
            'result' :  fields.List(fields.Nested(user_model))


    "metadata": {
        "files": [] 
    "result" : {
        "data": [
                <list of objects> # here must be listed the single model

然后,<list of objects>可以是用户,地址,工作等。.因此,我想创建一个“通用结构”,然后在其中可以注入特定的模型(UserModel,AddressModel,JobModel等),而无需创建特殊的每个模型。




class ListData(fields.Raw):
    Field for marshalling lists of other fields.

    See :ref:`list-field` for more information.

    :param cls_or_instance: The field type the list will contain.

    This is a modified version of fields.List Class in order to get 'data' as key envelope
    def __init__(self, cls_or_instance, **kwargs):
        self.min_items = kwargs.pop('min_items', None)
        self.max_items = kwargs.pop('max_items', None)
        self.unique = kwargs.pop('unique', None)
        super(ListData, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        error_msg = 'The type of the list elements must be a subclass of fields.Raw'
        if isinstance(cls_or_instance, type):
            if not issubclass(cls_or_instance, fields.Raw):
                raise MarshallingError(error_msg)
            self.container = cls_or_instance()
            if not isinstance(cls_or_instance, fields.Raw):
                raise MarshallingError(error_msg)
            self.container = cls_or_instance
    def format(self, value):

        if isinstance(value, set):
            value = list(value)

        is_nested = isinstance(self.container, fields.Nested) or type(self.container) is fields.Raw

        def is_attr(val):
            return self.container.attribute and hasattr(val, self.container.attribute)

        # Put 'data' as key before the list, and return the dict
        return {'data': [
                val if (isinstance(val, dict) or is_attr(val)) and not is_nested else value)
            for idx, val in enumerate(value)

    def output(self, key, data, ordered=False, **kwargs):
        value = fields.get_value(key if self.attribute is None else self.attribute, data)
        if fields.is_indexable_but_not_string(value) and not isinstance(value, dict):
            return self.format(value)

        if value is None:
            return self._v('default')
        return [marshal(value, self.container.nested)]

    def schema(self):
        schema = super(ListData, self).schema()

        # work around to get the documentation as I want
        schema['type'] = 'object'
        schema['properties'] = {}
        schema['properties']['data'] = {}
        schema['properties']['data']['type'] = 'array'
        schema['properties']['data']['items'] = self.container.__schema__

        return schema

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