如何将字数转换为数字 - c#






用法:findNumbers("The cost is five hundred twenty nine thousand three hundred and twenty six dollars and twenty three cents");


    string numstring = "zero=0;one=1;two=2;three=3;four=4;five=5;six=6;seven=7;eight=8;nine=9;ten=10;eleven=11;twelve=12;thirteen=13;fourteen=14;fifteen=15;sixteen=16;seventeen=17;eighteen=18;nineteen=19;twenty=20;thirty=30;fourty=40;fifty=50;sixty=60;seventy=70;eighty=80;ninety=90;hundred=100;thousand=1000;";
    Dictionary<string, string> theNumbers = numstring.TrimEnd(';').Split(';').ToDictionary(item => item.Split('=')[0], item => item.Split('=')[1]);
    private string findNumbers(string input)
        string tmp = "", tmpout = "", output = "";
        input = input.Replace("hundred and", "hundred");
        foreach (string word in input.Split(' '))
            if (theNumbers.TryGetValue(word, out tmp))
                if (tmpout != "") tmpout += " ";
                tmpout += tmp;
            } else
                if (tmpout != "") output += " " + addNumbers(tmpout);
                tmpout = "";
                if (output != "") output += " ";
                output += word;
        if (tmpout != "") {
            tmpout = addNumbers(tmpout);
            if (output != "") output += " ";
            output += tmpout;
        return output;
    private string addNumbers(string input)
        int output = 0;
        int output2 = 0;
        foreach (string num in input.Split(' '))
            if (output > 999)
                output2 = output;
                output = 0;
            if (Int32.Parse(num) > 99)
                output = output * Int32.Parse(num);
            } else
                output = output + Int32.Parse(num);
        return (output + output2).ToString();

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