如何替换文本块中的多个正则表达式匹配 - python

我正在尝试将段落中的多个匹配项转换为链接,同时在最终输出中保留周围的文本。我匹配的模式让人想起Markdown的超链接语法,这是一种允许非技术用户定义他们想要在输入中链接哪些文本的方式(我正在通过Sheets API / Python访问的Google Sheet)。我捕获的第一个组是链接的文本,第二个是查询字符串中键的值。


text = "2018 was a big year for my sourdough starter and me. Mostly 
we worked on developing this [tangy bread](19928) and these [chewy 
rolls] (9843). But we were also just content keeping each other 
company and inspired to bake."

def link_inline(text):
    # expand a proper link around recipe id
    ref = re.search(r"(\[.*?\]\(\d+\))", text, re.MULTILINE).group(1)
    if (len(ref) > 0):
        link = re.sub("\[(.*?)\]\((\d+)\)", r"<a href='https://www.foo.com/recipes?rid=\2'>\1</a>", ref)
        return text
        return "replacement failed"

目的是使此输出保持段落的完整性,并简单地将\[(.*?)\]\((\d+)\)模式匹配替换为以下字符串,包括对组的反向引用:<a href="https://www.foo.com?bar=\2">\1</a>




import re

def link_inline(text):
    # expand a proper link around recipe id
    ref = re.compile("\[(.*?)\]\((\d+)\)")
    replacer = r'<a href="https://www.foo.com/recipes?rid=\2">\1</a>'
    return ref.sub(replacer, text)

text = """
2018 was a big year for my sourdough starter and me. Mostly we worked on
 developing this [tangy bread](19928) and
 these [chewy rolls](9843). But we were also just
 content keeping each other company and inspired to bake.



2018 was a big year for my sourdough starter and me. Mostly we worked on
 developing this <a href="https://www.foo.com/recipes?rid=19928">tangy bread</a> and
 these <a href="https://www.foo.com/recipes?rid=9843">chewy rolls</a>. But we were also just
 content keeping each other company and inspired to bake.

为了进行健全性检查,我尝试在括号中加上一些不是链接的括号和方括号,例如字符串(this) here中的[this] heretext。一切仍然顺利。

Python Pandas导出数据 - python

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Python-crontab模块 - python

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Python GPU资源利用 - python

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Python sqlite3数据库已锁定 - python

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