将十六进制字符串转换为Scapy中的数据包 - python


from scapy.all import *
from struct import pack
from struct import unpack

pkt = sniff(offline="my.pcap", count=1)

pkt_hex = str(pkt)
# getting output like '\x00\x04\x00 ... ... \x06j]'

last_4 = unpack('!I',pkt_hex[-4:])[0]
# getting last 4 bytes and converting it to integer

rest = pkt_hex[:-4]
# getting whole packet in string except last 4 bytes

new_pkt = rest + pack('>I',(last_4+1))
# created the whole packet again with last 4 bytes incremented by 1
# the new string is like '\x00\x04\x00 ... ... \x06j^'





sniff函数上的official API documentation指出它返回一个列表:

sniff(prn=None, lfilter=None, count=0, store=1, offline=None, L2socket=None, timeout=None)


因此,不是使用pkt_hex = str(pkt)提取数据包,而是提取正确的格式为pkt_hex = str(pkt[0])


from scapy.all import *
from struct import pack
from struct import unpack

pkts = sniff(offline="my.pcap", count=1)

pkt = pkts[0] # <--- NOTE: correctly extract the packet

del pkt.chksum # <--- NOTE: prepare for checksum recalculation
del pkt[TCP].chksum # <--- NOTE: prepare for TCP checksum recalculation (depends on the transport layer protocol in use)

pkt_hex = str(pkt)
# getting output like '\x00\x04\x00 ... ... \x06j' <--- NOTE: there is no trailing ']'

last_4 = unpack('!I',pkt_hex[-4:])[0]
# getting last 4 bytes and converting it to integer

rest = pkt_hex[:-4]
# getting whole packet in string except last 4 bytes

new_hex_pkt = rest + pack('>I',(last_4+1))
# created the whole packet again with last 4 bytes incremented by 1
# the new string is like '\x00\x04\x00 ... ... \x06k' <--- NOTE: 'j' was incremented to 'k' (rather than ']' to '^')

new_pkt = pkt.__class__(new_hex_pkt) # <--- NOTE: rebuild the packet and recalculate its checksum

sendp(new_pkt) # <--- NOTE: send the new packet



new_pkt.time = pkt.time

但是,如here所述,即使更改了数据包的时间戳并发送后,由于the timestamp is set in the receiving machine as the packet is received,更新的时间戳也不会反映在另一端的接收数据包中。

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