为什么我不能使用JQuery隐藏和显示元素? - php



         echo "<tr>";
            echo "<td>"."<button id= \"btnnumber_". $i ." \"  class=\"btn info toggler\" data-value=\" $val\">Show Info  <i class=\"icon-arrow-down\"></i></button>"."</td>"; // On click of this button I am taking its id in Jquery getting the number at end creating the id of the next row in the Jquery script.
         echo "</tr>";

         echo "</tr>";
            echo "<tr id=\"row_$i \" class=\"info_row\">";// This row is dynamically generated one each row has its unique id like 0 row is having id row_0,1 row is having id row_1 etc.
            echo "<td id=\"student_count\">"."students count:"."</td>";
            echo "<td id=\"start_date\">"."start date: "."</td>";
            echo "<td id =\"end_date\">"."end date: "."</td>";
            echo "<td></td>";
        echo "</tr>";




              $('.info_row').hide();// On document load I am hiding all the element with class info_row.

              $('.toggler').toggle(function(){// Then I am toggling between hide and show.

               var currentId = $(this).attr('id');
               var number = currentId.substr(currentId.length - (currentId.length - currentId.indexOf("_") - 1));
               var rowId = 'row_' + number;
               $("#" + rowId).show();
             }, function(){

              var currentId = $(this).attr('id');
              var lastChar = currentId.substr(currentId.length - (currentId.length - currentId.indexOf("_") - 1));
              var rowId = 'row_' + lastChar; 
              $("#" + rowId).hide();






 echo "<tr id=\"row_$i \" 


echo "<tr id=\"row_$i\" 

Div单击与单选按钮相同吗? - php

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