Intellij 14,Lambda表达式错误,尽管没有编译器错误也显示错误 - java

在Intellij 14中将lambdas用于引发异常的接口时,Intellij会错误地突出显示它们为错误。



    // Works fine
    public static void exampleOne() throws IOException {


            methodTwo(() -> {



    // Works fine
    public static void exampleTwo() throws IOException {

            // IOException bubbles up here, which is thrown by the method signature
            methodTwo(() -> {
                    methodOne(); // throws IOException

    // Works fine
    public static void exampleThree() throws IOException {

            methodTwo(() -> {

                    methodTwo(() -> {


    // !!!!!! Error !!!!!!!!
    public static void exampleFour() throws IOException {

            methodTwo(() -> {

                    methodThree(() -> {


            // Error here!

            // It appears as if methodOne throws IOException, which should bubble up, and then methodThree call does not throw anything but Intellij gets confused
            // If we look at exampleThree then we can see that a call to the same as the one we called first methodTwo does not yield any problems.

            // This error does not exist in Intellij 13 and compiles fine with Java.

            // Error type cannot be ignored in Intellij which is a major issue!

    // Works fine
    public static void exampleFourAnonymous() throws IOException {

            methodTwo(new Callable<IOException>() {
                    public void call() throws IOException {

                            methodThree(() -> {


    public static interface Callable<E extends Throwable> {
            void call() throws E;

    public static void methodOne() throws IOException {

    public static <E extends Throwable> void methodTwo(Callable<E> lambda) throws E {

    public static <E extends Throwable> void methodThree(Callable<E> lambda) throws E {

Intellij 13中不存在此错误。




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