
virtuemartx:刚刚发在 whirlpool 被删了 现在我要发遍所有能发的地方

-----------Spitted by a running whiteman in sydney habour bridge----------
In 2017 i was in my one month travelling in australia, i was walking on the habour bridge, i was dressed with old clothes, a local white man wearing sport style short and tshirt running on the bridge towards my walking direction, he saw me, he spitted in front of the road , pressed his left nostril, and let the nasal mucus out of his right nostril, it sprayed a little bit on my right hand's baby finger. I couldn't do anything.
There are two guards stading on each end of the bridge everyday, and one guard saw that white man's behaviour, he didn't/couldn't do anything.

Australia is a very racist country, even the 'non racist' local people dont want u to be there for free, they want u to invest in their country, their airm for u to be there is let u indians and chinese compete against each other, and their local own people can get the benefits out of ur competition. Their true policy is 'cant let one race dominate, must let them compete'.
They call themselves 'fxxking lazy ozies', and they enjoy the benefits out of ur competition very much/well.
The jobs their visas opened for are either the jobs too hard they can't do or the jobs too dirty they don't want do, like pig breeding, programming, accounting/associate


绝大部份澳大利亚人都很包容,但是还有底层的那种精神 总有点不大对劲的,他们会在马路上大叫,会攻击他人,会破坏公共财产,同时也会有种族歧视。但是这部份人非常少,甚至比你在马路上遇到有钱人都难得。



要不你体会一下早个 20 年你来上海试试,保证让你欲哭无泪。


virtuemartx:在澳洲的以为去对了地方 怎么会承认澳洲开放移民政策的真正目的.
华人一出国了就爱国, 因为在国外真的待遇太低了, 只有祖国强大了他们才能在外人面前更硬气
去年十一有个悉尼华人大妈好像还特地到到悉尼电影院去看中国 70 年阅兵 眼泪都掉下来了 太亲切了 既然这么想念祖国这么亲切为什么不回来 如果真让她回来 她就以泪洗面

gateoflunar:@594duck 同感。



virtuemartx:@talentr9 你被鬼佬怎么了?

程序员 PUA 实用指南

clockOS:之前说失业了在家想谈谈我们这行的感情问题 不过做视频对我来说太费劲了 很难有动力 希望大家能订阅一下 感兴趣的话我做个系列视频 一起探讨学习一下我们这行怎么找对象 如有冒犯 不喜勿喷 https://b23.tv/BV1fa4y1j7APclockOS:

Netflix 的新片《Over The Moon》讲的小女孩菲菲奔月找嫦娥姐姐的故事。。。






