如果错误情况如何拆分 - php

我有一些if / else语句的验证。

if (isset($_POST["join"])) { 

  if ($userpoint < $lessonpoint) { //pt
    echo "you need more points";
  } //pt

  else { //has enough point

      if ($row['num'] > 0) { //check if user took this lesson
        echo "you took this lesson before.";
      } //check if user took this lesson ends

    else { //then let him apply to database

            //define post:
            $postvalue = (int)$_POST["postvalue"];

            //and check
            if($postvalue == '' || $postvalue <= 0 || $postvalue > $minimumpostvalue || $postvalue == is_int($postvalue)) { //check post
            echo "Error."; 

            } //checkpost ends.

      else { //insert

      $sql = "INSERT into etc... VALUES (?, ?, ?)";

            if($sql){ //to another database

                $artibir = "UPDATE etc.";

                echo "Done.";

            } // to another database
    } //let him apply
  } //has enough point
} //if post isset join


但我想针对这种情况回显出另一条错误消息:$postvalue > $minimumpostvalue

尝试时,我在if / else语句中迷路了。


我在哪里以及如何放置$postvalue > $minimumpostvalue来回显不同的错误消息?


//and check
if ($postvalue > $minimumpostvalue) { //check exception
   echo "Error 1."; 
} elseif ($postvalue == '' || $postvalue <= 0 || $postvalue == is_int($postvalue)) { //check the rest
      echo "Error 2."; 
} //checkpost ends.

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