Android JNI中的本机崩溃SIGSEGV - java

我在我的应用程序中随机获取本机崩溃signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR)。该应用程序循环遍历文件,并在C++代码中对其进行分析,并返回一个浮点数组。这是在AsyncTask中完成的,该AsyncTask在处理文件时会运行一段时间。我在导致崩溃的代码中做错了什么?还是超能力问题?谢谢。

这是AsyncTask doInBackground函数:

protected String doInBackground(Object... urls) {

            for (int i = 0; i < songFiles.size(); i++) {
                SongFile temp = songFiles.get(i);
                try {
                    float[] f = Analyser.getInfo(temp.getPath());
                        if (f != null && f.length > 1) {
                   to DB

                } catch (Exception e) {
            return "";


extern "C" JNIEXPORT jfloatArray Java_com_superpowered_SuperpoweredPlayer_getInfo(JNIEnv *env, jobject instance,jstring filepath) {
    jfloatArray ret;
    char *Path= (char *) env->GetStringUTFChars(filepath, JNI_FALSE);

    ret = (jfloatArray)env->NewFloatArray(2);

    float *values = superpoweredPlayer->getKey(Path);

    env->SetFloatArrayRegion(ret, 0, 2, values);
    env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(filepath, Path);
    return ret;



float *SuperpoweredPlayer::getKey(char *url) {

    SuperpoweredDecoder *decoder = new SuperpoweredDecoder();

    //decoder initialize from the URL input
    const char *openError = decoder->open(url, false, 0, 0);
    if (openError) {
        delete decoder;
        return NULL;

    // Create the analyzer.
    SuperpoweredOfflineAnalyzer *analyzer = new SuperpoweredOfflineAnalyzer(decoder->samplerate, 0, decoder->durationSeconds);

    // Create a buffer for the 16-bit integer samples coming from the decoder.
    short int *intBuffer = (short int *)malloc(decoder->samplesPerFrame * 2 * sizeof(short int) + 16384);
    // Create a buffer for the 32-bit floating point samples required by the effect.
    float *floatBuffer = (float *)malloc(decoder->samplesPerFrame * 2 * sizeof(float) + 1024);

    // Processing.
    while (true) {

        // Decode one frame. samplesDecoded will be overwritten with the actual decoded number of samples.
        unsigned int samplesDecoded = decoder->samplesPerFrame;
        if (decoder->decode(intBuffer, &samplesDecoded) == SUPERPOWEREDDECODER_ERROR) break;
        if (samplesDecoded < 1) break;

        // Convert the decoded PCM samples from 16-bit integer to 32-bit floating point.
        SuperpoweredShortIntToFloat(intBuffer, floatBuffer, samplesDecoded);

        // Submit samples to the analyzer.
        analyzer->process(floatBuffer, samplesDecoded);

        // Update the progress indicator.
        // progress = (double)decoder->samplePosition / (double)decoder->durationSamples;

    // Get the result.
    unsigned char *averageWaveform = NULL, *lowWaveform = NULL, *midWaveform = NULL, *highWaveform = NULL, *peakWaveform = NULL, *notes = NULL;
    int waveformSize, overviewSize, keyIndex;
    char *overviewWaveform = NULL;
    float loudpartsAverageDecibel, peakDecibel, bpm, averageDecibel, beatgridStartMs = 0;
    analyzer->getresults(&averageWaveform, &peakWaveform, &lowWaveform, &midWaveform, &highWaveform, &notes, &waveformSize, &overviewWaveform, &overviewSize, &averageDecibel, &loudpartsAverageDecibel, &peakDecibel, &bpm, &beatgridStartMs, &keyIndex);

    float *ret;
    ret[0] = bpm;
    ret[1] = keyIndex;

    // Cleanup.
    delete decoder;
    delete analyzer;

    // Done with the result, free memory.
    if (averageWaveform) free(averageWaveform);
    if (lowWaveform) free(lowWaveform);
    if (midWaveform) free(midWaveform);
    if (highWaveform) free(highWaveform);
    if (peakWaveform) free(peakWaveform);
    if (notes) free(notes);
    if (overviewWaveform) free(overviewWaveform);

    return ret;




  • 内存泄漏:Java_com_superpowered_SuperpoweredPlayer_getInfo()中未释放float* values
  • 我先释放在analyzer-> getresults()中分配的内存,然后释放floatBuffer和intBuffer,再删除analyzer,然后解码器。
  • 您确定使用free()释放在analyzer-> getresults()中分配的内存是正确(安全)的,因为超能力中的free可能与代码中的free有所不同(如果两者静态链接到标准C库) ?

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