直观显示算法进度 - java



另一个例子是寻路。我想显示BFS,DFS,A *的步骤,而不仅仅是最终解决方案的路径(搜索的所有拍子)。







import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

 * A panel that can show a demonstration of Quicksort in action. The items to be
 * sorted are the hues of a set of vertical bars. When sorted, the bars form a
 * spectrum from red to violet. Initially, the bars are sorted. There is a Start
 * button. When the user clicks this button, the order of the bars is randomized
 * and then Quicksort is applied. During the sort, a black bar marks the
 * location of an empty space from which the "pivot" element has been removed.
 * The user can abort the sort by clicking the button again.
 * <p>
 * The main point of this program is to demonstrate threads, with very simple
 * inter-thread communication. The recursive Quicksort algorithm is run in a
 * separate thread. The abort operation is implemented by setting the value of a
 * volatile variable that is checked periodically by the thread. When the user
 * aborts the sort before it finishes, the value of the variable changes; the
 * thread sees the change and exits.
 * <p>
 * This class contains a main() routine that allows the demo to be run as a
 * stand-alone application.
public class QuicksortThreadDemo extends JPanel {

     * This main routine just shows a panel of type QuicksortThreadDemo.
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        JFrame window = new JFrame("Demo: Recursion in a Thread");
        QuicksortThreadDemo content = new QuicksortThreadDemo();
        Dimension screenSize = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
        window.setLocation((screenSize.width - window.getWidth()) / 2,
                (screenSize.height - window.getHeight()) / 2);

    private final static int ARRAY_SIZE = 150; // The number of colored bars.

    private int[] hue = new int[ARRAY_SIZE]; // The array that will be sorted.
    private Color[] palette = new Color[ARRAY_SIZE]; // Colors in spectral
                                                        // order.
    private Display display; // The panel that displays the colored bars.
    private JButton startButton; // The button that starts and stops the demo.

    private Runner runner; // The thread that runs the recursion.

    private volatile boolean running; // Set to true while recursion is running;
                                        // This is set to true as a signal to
                                        // the
                                        // thread to abort.

     * When the user aborts the recursion before it finishes, an exception of
     * this type is thrown to end the recursion cleanly.
    private class ThreadTerminationException extends RuntimeException {

     * A subpanel of type Display shows the colored bars that are being sorted.
     * The current pivot, if any, is shown in black. A 3-pixel gray border is
     * left around the bars.
    private class Display extends JPanel {
        Display() {
            setPreferredSize(new Dimension(606, 206));

        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            double barWidth = (double) (getWidth() - 6) / hue.length;
            int h = getHeight() - 6;
            for (int i = 0; i < hue.length; i++) {
                int x1 = 3 + (int) (i * barWidth + 0.49);
                int x2 = 3 + (int) ((i + 1) * barWidth + 0.49);
                int w = x2 - x1;
                if (hue[i] == -1)
                g.fillRect(x1, 3, w, h);

     * The constructor sets up the panel, containing the Display and the Start
     * button below it.
    public QuicksortThreadDemo() {
        for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
            palette[i] = Color.getHSBColor((i * 230) / (ARRAY_SIZE * 255.0F),
                    1, 1);
            hue[i] = i;
        setLayout(new BorderLayout());
        display = new Display();
        add(display, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        startButton = new JButton("Start");
        JPanel bottom = new JPanel();
        add(bottom, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
        startButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                if (running)

     * This method is called when the user clicks the Start button, while no
     * thread is running. It starts a new thread and sets the signaling
     * variable, running, to true; Also changes the text on the Start button to
     * "Finish".
    private void start() {
        runner = new Runner();
        running = true; // Set the signal before starting the thread!

     * This method is called when the user clicks the button while a thread is
     * running. A signal is sent to the thread to terminate, by setting the
     * value of the signaling variable, running, to false.
    private void stop() {

         * Set the value of the signaling variable to false as a signal to the
         * thread to terminate.

        running = false;

         * Wake the thread, in case it is sleeping, to get a more immediate
         * reaction to the signal.


         * Wait for the thread to stop before setting runner = null. One second
         * should be plenty of time for this to happen, but in case something
         * goes wrong, it's better not to

        try {
            runner.join(1000); // Wait for thread to stop. One second should be
                                // plenty of time.
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {

        runner = null;

     * This method is called frequently by the thread that is running the
     * recursion, in order to insert delays. It calls the repaint() method of
     * the display to allow the user to see what is going on; the delay will
     * give the system a chance to actually update the display. Since this
     * method is called regularly while the recursion is in progress, it is also
     * used as a convenient place to check the value of the signaling variable,
     * running. If the value of running has been set to false, this method
     * throws an exception of type ThreadTerminatedException. This exception
     * will cause all active levels of the recursion to be terminated. It is
     * caught in the run() method of the thread.
     * @param millis
     *            The number of milliseconds to sleep.
    private void delay(int millis) {
        if (!running)
            throw new ThreadTerminationException();
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
        if (!running)
            throw new ThreadTerminationException();

     * The basic non-recursive QuickSortStep algorithm, which uses hue[lo] as a
     * "pivot" and rearranges elements of the hue array from positions lo
     * through hi so that positions the pivot value is in its correct location,
     * with smaller items to the left and bigger items to the right. The
     * position of the pivot is returned. In this version, we conceptually
     * remove the pivot from the array, leaving an empty space. The space is
     * marked by a -1, and it moves around as the algorithm proceeds. It is
     * shown as a black bar in the display. Every time a change is made, the
     * delay() method is called to insert a 1/10 second delay to let the user
     * see the change.
    private int quickSortStep(int lo, int hi) {
        int pivot = hue[lo]; // Save pivot item.
        hue[lo] = -1; // Mark location lo as empty.
        while (true) {
            while (hi > lo && hue[hi] > pivot)
            if (hi == lo)
            hue[lo] = hue[hi]; // Move hue[hi] into empty space.
            hue[hi] = -1; // Mark location hi as empty.
            while (lo < hi && hue[lo] < pivot)
            if (hi == lo)
            hue[hi] = hue[lo]; // Move hue[lo] into empty space.
            hue[lo] = -1; // Mark location lo as empty.
        hue[lo] = pivot; // Move pivot item into the empty space.
        return lo;

     * The recursive quickSort algorithm, for sorting the hue array from
     * positions lo through hi into increasing order. Most of the actual work is
     * done in quickSortStep().
    private void quickSort(int lo, int hi) {
        if (hi <= lo)
        int mid = quickSortStep(lo, hi);
        quickSort(lo, mid - 1);
        quickSort(mid + 1, hi);

     * This class defines the treads that run the recursive QuickSort algorithm.
     * The thread begins by randomizing the array. It then calls quickSort() to
     * sort the entire array. If quickSort() is aborted by a
     * ThreadTerminationExcpetion, which would be caused by the user clicking
     * the Finish button, then the thread will restore the array to sorted order
     * before terminating, so that whether or not the quickSort is aborted, the
     * array ends up sorted.
    private class Runner extends Thread {
        public void run() {
            try {
                for (int i = hue.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { // Randomize array.
                    int r = (int) ((i + 1) * Math.random());
                    int temp = hue[r];
                    hue[r] = hue[i];
                    hue[i] = temp;
                delay(1000); // Wait one second before starting the sort.
                quickSort(0, hue.length - 1); // Sort the whole array.
            } catch (ThreadTerminationException e) { // User aborted quickSort.
                for (int i = 0; i < hue.length; i++)
                    hue[i] = i;
            } finally {// Make sure running is false and button label is
                        // correct.
                running = false;

} // end QuicksortThreadDemo


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