Pandas 堆积条形图中的元素顺序 - python



df = df_orig.groupby('District')['Portion of income'].value_counts(dropna=False)
df = df.groupby('District').transform(lambda x: 100*x/sum(x))
df = df.drop(labels=math.nan, level=1)
ax = df.unstack(), rot=0)


    District  Portion of income
    A         <25%                 12.121212
              25 - 50%              9.090909
              50 - 75%              7.070707
              75 - 100%             2.020202

由于此收入属于类别,因此我想以合理的方式对堆叠栏中的元素进行排序。产生的 Pandas 图如下。现在,排序(从每个栏的底部开始)为:

  • 25-50%
  • 50-75%
  • 75-100%
  • <25%
  • 不确定
  • 我意识到这些字母是按字母顺序排序的,并且很好奇是否可以设置自定义顺序。为了直观起见,我希望顺序是(再次从栏的底部开始):

  • 不确定
  • <25%
  • 25-50%
  • 50-75%
  • 75-100%
  • Pandas 堆积条形图中的元素顺序 - python




    要反转matplotlib图例条目的顺序,请使用以下SO问题中的get_legend_handles_labels方法:Reverse legend order pandas plot

    import pandas as pd
    import numpy as np
    import math
    # Hard-code the custom ordering of categories
    categories = ['unsure', '<25%', '25 - 50%', '50 - 75%', '75 - 100%']
    # Generate some example data
    # I'm not sure if this matches your input exactly
    df_orig = pd.DataFrame({'District':'ABCDE'), size=100), 
                            'Portion of income': np.random.choice(categories + [np.nan], size=100)})
    # Unchanged from your code. Note that value_counts() returns a 
    # Series, but you name it df
    df = df_orig.groupby('District')['Portion of income'].value_counts(dropna=False)
    df = df.groupby('District').transform(lambda x: 100*x/sum(x))
    # In my example data, np.nan was cast to the string 'nan', so 
    # I have to drop it like this
    df = df.drop(labels='nan', level=1)
    # Instead of plotting right away, unstack the MultiIndex
    # into columns, then convert those columns to a CategoricalIndex 
    # with custom sort order
    df = df.unstack()
    df.columns = pd.CategoricalIndex(df.columns.values, 
    # Sort the columns (axis=1) by the new categorical ordering
    df = df.sort_index(axis=1)
    # Plot
    ax =, rot=0)
    # Matplotlib idiom to reverse legend entries 
    handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
    ax.legend(reversed(handles), reversed(labels))

    Pandas 堆积条形图中的元素顺序 - python

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