python numpy创建数据集列:仅根据条件添加值,否则为null - python


df['Termination_Date'] = np.where((df['Cancellations'] == 'Yes') | (df['Lapses'] == 'Yes'), df['Effective Date'])
ValueError: either both or neither of x and y should be given

df['Termination_Date'] = np.where((df['Cancellations'] == 'Yes') | (df['Lapses'] == 'Yes'), df['Effective Date'], "")
TypeError: invalid type promotion

df['Termination_Date'] = np.where((df['Cancellations'] == 'Yes') | (df['Lapses'] == 'Yes'), df['Effective Date'], np.nan)
TypeError: invalid type promotion



可以与 Series.where 一起使用替代吗?


df = pd.DataFrame({
         'Effective Date':pd.date_range('2019-01-01', periods=6),
         'Cancellations':['Yes'] * 4 + ['No'] * 2,
         'Lapses':['yes'] * 2 + ['No'] * 4,


df['Termination_Date'] = df['Effective Date'].where((df['Cancellations'] == 'Yes') | 
                                                     (df['Lapses'] == 'Yes')) 


m = (df['Cancellations'] == 'Yes') | (df['Lapses'] == 'Yes')
df.loc[m, 'Termination_Date'] = df['Effective Date']
print (df)
  Effective Date Cancellations Lapses Termination_Date
0     2019-01-01           Yes    yes       2019-01-01
1     2019-01-02           Yes    yes       2019-01-02
2     2019-01-03           Yes     No       2019-01-03
3     2019-01-04           Yes     No       2019-01-04
4     2019-01-05            No     No              NaT
5     2019-01-06            No     No              NaT

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