具有反关系的通用接口 - java


public interface Item <D extends Description,
                                        C extends Category<D,Item<D,C>>> {
    public C getCategory();
    public void setCategory(C category);}

我不确定表达式C extends Category<D,Item<D,C>>是否正确,但是至少没有编译器错误。

public interface Category<D extends Description, I extends Item> {
    public List<I> getItems();
    public void setItems(List<I> items);}

I extends Item给出警告Item is a raw type. References to Item<D,C> should be parametrized。我试过了

I extends Item<D,Category<D,I>>

但这会导致错误Bound mismatch: The type Category<D,I> is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <C extends Category<D,Item<D,C>>> of the type Item<D,C>。如何使用泛型正确设置接口Category的参数?



interface Description {}

interface Item<D extends Description, I extends Item<D, I, C>, C extends Category<D, C, I>>
    public C getCategory();   
    public void setCategory(C category);


interface Category<D extends Description, C extends Category<D, C, I>, I extends Item<D, I, C>> {    
    public List<I> getItems();   
    public void setItems(List<I> items);

class DescriptionImpl implements Description {}

class CustomItem implements Item<DescriptionImpl, CustomItem, CustomCategory> {
    public CustomCategory getCategory() {
        return null;  

    public void setCategory(CustomCategory category) {

class CustomCategory implements Category<DescriptionImpl, CustomCategory, CustomItem> {

    public List<CustomItem> getItems() {
        return null;          }

    public void setItems(List<CustomItem> items) {


CustomCategory customCategory = new CustomCategory();
CustomItem customItem = new CustomItem();
DescriptionImpl description = new DescriptionImpl();



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