随机词生成器-Python - python


import random

WORDS = ("python", "jumble", "easy", "difficult", "answer",  "xylophone")
word = random.choice(WORDS)
correct = word
jumble = ""
while word:
    position = random.randrange(len(word))
    jumble += word[position]
    word = word[:position] + word[(position + 1):]
      Welcome to WORD JUMBLE!!!

      Unscramble the leters to make a word.
      (press the enter key at prompt to quit)
print("The jumble is:", jumble)
guess = input("Your guess: ")
while guess != correct and guess != "":
    print("Sorry, that's not it")
    guess = input("Your guess: ")
if guess == correct:
    print("That's it, you guessed it!\n")
print("Thanks for playing")

input("\n\nPress the enter key to exit")



如果您重复执行此操作,我将在本地下载并从本地文件中提取。 * nix用户可以使用/usr/share/dict/words


word_file = "/usr/share/dict/words"
WORDS = open(word_file).read().splitlines()


如果您想从远程词典中提取信息,可以采用以下两种方法。请求库使这变得非常容易(您必须pip install requests):

import requests

word_site = "http://svnweb.freebsd.org/csrg/share/dict/words?view=co&content-type=text/plain"

response = requests.get(word_site)
WORDS = response.content.splitlines()


import urllib2

word_site = "http://svnweb.freebsd.org/csrg/share/dict/words?view=co&content-type=text/plain"

response = urllib2.urlopen(word_site)
txt = response.read()
WORDS = txt.splitlines()

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