收集正确数目的猜数字4位数字游戏 - c#

如果我想知道正确数字的数量,尽管我错位了,我想知道如何编码。例如,正确的是“ 7896”,但是我输入了“ 8749”,因此我希望它表明它具有正确的“ 3”(789)。

void Run()

    // initialize the number of attempts
    int numberOfAttempts = 1000;

    Console.WriteLine("\nWelcome to Random Number Guessing Game.");
    Console.WriteLine("\n\nGuess the 4 digit random number XXXX.");
    Console.WriteLine("\nFor each digit, the number is chosen from 1 to 9  \nNumbers can repeat.");

    // Call the method to Generate the Random Number
    string randomNumber = GenerateRandomNumber();

    for (int i = 1; i <= numberOfAttempts; i++)
        // Call the method to get the user input
        string userInput = GetUserInput(i);

        // Get the result - Collection containing the result of all 4 digits
        List<Result> result = GetResult(randomNumber, userInput);

        // Guess the count of number of digits that are correct
        int flagCount = result.Where(f => f.Flag == true).Count();

        // Get the place(s)/index of digits that are correct
        string digitsCorrect = string.Join(",", result.Where(f => f.Flag == true)
            .Select(c => (++c.Index).ToString()));

        // check the flag count and display appropriate message
        if (flagCount == 4)
            Console.WriteLine("Random Number:{0} , Your Input:{1}", randomNumber, userInput);
            Console.WriteLine("You guess is correct! Game Won..hurray...:)");

            digitsCorrect = flagCount == 0 ? "none" : digitsCorrect;
            Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Digit(s) in place {0} correct", digitsCorrect));






  public static string Info(string guess, string actual)
        int correctNumbers = 0;
        string correctChars = "";

        List<char> charlists = actual.ToList();
        foreach (var char_ in guess)
            if (charlists.Contains(char_))
                correctChars += char_.ToString();
        return $"{correctNumbers}({correctChars})";

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