通过CompletableFuture并行执行一些线程,并串行执行一些线程 - java

link列告诉您哪些服务将串行执行,哪些将并行执行。 order列描述了一组定义的服务将遵循的执行顺序。对于下面的示例,服务A和B应该并行运行。如果它们已成功执行,则服务C将执行。请注意,服务C并不直接依赖于其先前服务的输出,而是必须在成功执行其先前服务之后运行,因为服务C在执行期间会需要其先前服务产生的一些数据。成功执行服务C后,将执行下一个服务D,依此类推,直到该列表中的所有服务都被消耗为止。

Tasks       service     link      order
Service A   01          03        1
Service B   02          03        2
Service C   03          04        3
Service D   04          05        4
Service E   05          07        5
Service F   06          07        6
Service G   07          (null)    7


    public void executeTransactionFlow(DataVo dataVo) throws Exception {

    List<Callable<Boolean>> threadList = new ArrayList<>();
    List<String> serviceIds = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Future<Boolean>> futureList;
    String validatedRespCode = null, joinTo, prevJoinTo = null, serviceId;

    // Iterating through service flows map
    for (Map<String, String> map : serviceFlowsMap) {
        joinTo = map.get("link");
        serviceId = map.get("service");

        // A simple flag to differentiate which services should execute parallel and which in serial.
        if (null == prevJoinTo) {
            prevJoinTo = joinTo;

        // Check for join condition. If join condition is same as previous then do not execute the thread list yet add current service in list
        if (null != joinTo && joinTo.equals(prevJoinTo)) {
            threadList.add(new Callable<String, DataVo>(serviceId, dataVo));

         * 1. Run the threads in the list
         * 2. Empty the thread list
         * 3. Empty serviceIds list
         * 4. Set prevJoinTo
        else {
            if (threadList.size() > 0) {
                prevJoinTo = joinTo;

                try {

                    // If list contain only 1 service then call, otherwise invokeAll
                    futureList = MyExecutor.executeServices(threadList, dataVo);

                    // During execution we cannot interrupt services, so we check here after they get back to here and interrupt if it has been timedout.
                    if (dataVo.isTimedout()) {
                        throw new Exception("Transaction thread is Interrupted or Timed-out");

                    // Validate service response codes and get decision in case of any failure
                    validatedRespCode = validateResponseOfExecutedServices(dataVo, futureList, serviceIds);

                    // If validationRespCode is non 00 then do not process further
                    if (null != validatedRespCode && !"200".equals(validatedRespCode)) {
                catch (Exception e) {
                    throw new Exception(e.getMessage(), e);
                finally {
                    // clear thread list and serviceIds list. It will be populated for next parallel set of threads

            // Start preparing new thread list
            // Adding current service_id into threadList after executing previous services in parallel.
            threadList.add(new Callable<String, DataVo>(serviceId, dataVo));

    // Run remaining services
    if (!threadList.isEmpty()) {

        try {
            futureList = MyExecutor.executeServices(threadList, dataVo);
            validatedRespCode = validateResponseOfExecutedServices(dataVo, futureList, serviceIds);
        catch (Throwable e) {
            throw new Exception(e.getMessage(), e);

    // Check validation response code
    if (null != validatedRespCode && !"200".equals(validatedRespCode)) {
        MyExecutor.callDeclineFlow(dataVo, validatedRespCode, null);


 * This method iterates through the thread list and checks for exceptions and service responses.
 * If service response is not success or if any exception has occurred then exception is thrown
public String validateResponseOfExecutedServices(DataVo dataVo, List<Future<Boolean>> futureList, List<String> serviceIds) throws Exception {
    String finalResponse = "200", serviceResponse = null;

     * future list will be null if single service is executed (no other parallel transactions). The reason is that we do
     * not use invokeAll() on single service.

    if (null != futureList && futureList.size() > 0) {
        for (Future<Boolean> future : futureList) {
            try {
            catch (Exception e) {
                throw new Exception(e.getMessage(), e);

    // Iterate through serviceIds and check responses.
    for (String serviceId : serviceIds) {
        serviceResponse = dataVo.getServiceResponse(serviceId);

         * if one of following response is found then consider it exception
        if (null != serviceResponse && "400,401,402,403,404,500,501".contains(serviceResponse)) {
            throw new Exception("One of the service has been declined");

    return finalResponse;



我添加了问题说明的更多详细信息,即添加了order列。服务需要遵循定义的顺序。服务A和B的顺序分别为1和2,但是它们仍将并行执行,因为它们在03中都具有link值。我认为@@ Thomas在评论中建议不再需要基于依赖图的方法。



这是我使用RxJava 2.2.16ExecutorService的方法:



public class AppRxJava{
    /* To listen to the completion of a task, so that the dependent tasks may be scheduled. */
    private Subject<Action> completionSub = io.reactivex.subjects.BehaviorSubject.create();

    /* To listen to the completion of all tasks, so that ExecutorService may shut down. */
    private Subject<Boolean> allActionCompletedSub = io.reactivex.subjects.BehaviorSubject.create();

    private ExecutorService SVC = Executors.newCachedThreadPool();
    private List<Action> allActions;

    public static void main( String[] args ){
        new AppRxJava().start();

    private void start() {
        this.allActions = createActions();

        startAllActions( this.allActions );

    private void subscribeToSvcShutdown(){
        /* If all actions have been completed, shut down the ExecutorService. */
        this.allActionCompletedSub.subscribe( allScheduled -> {
            if( allScheduled ) {
                try {
                    SVC.awaitTermination( 2, TimeUnit.SECONDS );
                } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block

    private void subscribeToActionCompletions(){
        this.completionSub.subscribe( complAction -> {
            /* Get the actions that are dependent on this recently completed action and "attempt" to start them. */
            List<Action> deps = getDeps( complAction, this.allActions );
            startAllActions( deps );

            /* If all actions have got completed, raise the flag. */
            if( allActionsCompleted() ) this.allActionCompletedSub.onNext( true );

    /* Attempts to start all actions that are present in the passed list. */
    private void startAllActions( List<Action> actions ){
        for( Action action : actions ) {
            startAction( action, actions );

    /* Attempts to start an action. Only if it is still pending and all of its dependencies are completed. */
    private void startAction( Action a, List<Action> list ){
        if( !a.isPending() ) return;
        if( !allDepsCompleted( a, allActions ) ) return;

        if( a.isPending() ) {
            synchronized (a.LOCK ) {
                if( a.isPending() ) {
                    a.setStatus( 1 ); //Set to running, so that it is not picked up twice. 
                    SVC.submit( () -> {
                        try {
                        } catch (Exception e) {
                            // TODO Auto-generated catch block

                        a.setStatus( 2 ); //Set to completed. (We may have to synchronize this.)
                        this.completionSub.onNext( a );
                    } );

    private boolean allActionsCompleted(){
        for( Action a : this.allActions ) if( !a.isCompleted() ) return false;
        return true;

    private static boolean allDepsCompleted( Action a, List<Action> allActions ){
        for( Action dep : allActions ) {
            if( a.getDependencies().contains( dep ) && !dep.isCompleted() ) return false;

        return true;

    /* Returns the actions that are dependent on Action <code>a</code>. */
    private List<Action> getDeps( Action a, List<Action> list ){
        List<Action> deps = new ArrayList<>();
        for( Action dep : list ) if( dep.getDependencies().contains( a ) ) deps.add( dep );
        return deps;

    /* Creates the action list with respective dependencies. */
    private List<Action> createActions(){
        List<Action> actions = new ArrayList<>();

        Action a = createAction( 5000, "ServiceA", null );
        Action b = createAction( 5000, "ServiceB", null );
        Action c = createAction( 2000, "ServiceC", a, b );
        Action d = createAction( 2000, "ServiceD", c );
        Action e = createAction( 2000, "ServiceE", d );

        actions.add( a ); actions.add( b ); actions.add( c ); actions.add( d ); actions.add( e );
        return actions;

    private Action createAction( final long sleepMillis, final String name, Action... dependencies ) {
        List<Action> deps = null;
        if( dependencies != null ) {
            deps = new ArrayList<>();
            for( Action a : dependencies ) deps.add( a );
        return Action.of( () -> {
            System.out.println( "Service (" + name + ") started" );
            try {
                Thread.sleep( sleepMillis );
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                // TODO Auto-generated catch block

            System.out.println( "Service (" + name + ") completed" );
            return true;
        }, name, deps );


还有动作模型类。这表示一个动作及其依赖的动作列表。 (与您的原始表示形式略有不同。但是,我认为,无论哪种方式都可以,如果您对此进行适当的处​​理)。

public class Action{
    Callable<Boolean> action;
    String name;
    List<Action> dependencies = new ArrayList<>();
    AtomicInteger status = new AtomicInteger( 0 ); //0 = Pending, 1 = Scheduled, 2 = Completed
    public static final Object LOCK = new Object();

    private Action(Callable<Boolean> action, String name, List<Action> dependencies) {
        this.action = action;
        this.name = name;
        if( dependencies != null ) this.dependencies = dependencies;

    public static Action of( Callable<Boolean> action, String name, List<Action> dependencies ){
        return new Action( action, name, dependencies );

    public Callable<Boolean> getAction(){
        return action;

    public String getName(){
        return name;

    public List<Action> getDependencies(){
        return dependencies;

    public boolean isCompleted(){
        return this.status.get() == 2;

    public boolean isPending(){
        return this.status.get() == 0;

    public boolean isScheduled(){
        return this.status.get() == 1;

    public void setStatus( int status ){
        this.status.getAndSet( status );

    public int hashCode(){
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
        return result;

    public boolean equals( Object obj ){
        if (this == obj) return true;
        if (obj == null) return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) return false;
        Action other = (Action) obj;
        if (name == null) {
            if (other.name != null)
                return false;
        } else if (!name.equalsIgnoreCase( other.name )) return false;
        return true;


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