停止在每次字典迭代中增加值 - python

我正在使用Python 2.7。我有两个tsv数据文件,我将它们读入两个字典中,我想计算它们的recall分数,因此我需要计算tpfn

gold = {'A11':'cat', 'A22':'cat', 'B3':'mouse'}
results = {'A2':'cat', 'B2':'dog'}

我的代码主要迭代gold词典,并删除gold词典key以及results key末尾的数字。然后,检查键是否匹配,以便找到其值是否匹配以计算tp。但是,我的代码似乎总是增加fn。这是我的可运行代码:

from __future__ import division
import string

def eval():
        tp=0 #true positives
        fn=0 #false negatives
        fp=0#false positives

        gold = {'A11':'cat', 'A22':'cat', 'B3':'mouse'}
        results = {'A2':'cat', 'B2':'dog'}

       #iterate gold dictionary
        for i,j in gold.items():

            #remove the digits off gold keys
            i_stripped = i.rstrip(string.digits)

            #iterate results dictionary
            for k,v in results.items():

                #remove the digits off results keys
                k_stripped = k.rstrip(string.digits)

                # check if key match!
                if i_stripped == k_stripped:

                  #check if values match then increment tp
                  if j == v:
                      tp += 1

                      #delete dictionary entries to avoid counting them again
                      del gold_copy[i]
                      del results_copy[k]

                      #get out of this loop we found a match! 

            # NO match was found in the results, then consider it as fn 
            fn += 1 #<------ wrong calculations caused in this line

        print 'tp = %.2f   fn =  %.2f    recall = %.2f ' % (tp, fn, float(tp)/(tp+fn)) 


tp = 1.00   fn =  3.00    recall = 0.25 





#iterate gold dictionary
 for i,j in gold.items():

     # create a variable that indicates whether a match was found
     match_found = False

     #remove the digits off gold keys
     i_stripped = i.rstrip(string.digits)

     #iterate results dictionary
     for k,v in results.items():

         #remove the digits off results keys
         k_stripped = k.rstrip(string.digits)

         # check if key match!
         if i_stripped == k_stripped:

           #check if values match then increment tp
           if j == v:
               tp += 1

               # now a match has been found, change variable
               match_found = True

               #delete dictionary entries to avoid counting them again
               del gold_copy[i]
               del results_copy[k]

               #get out of this loop we found a match! 

     # NO match was found in the results, then consider it as fn 
     # now, only if no match has been found, increment fn
     if not match_found :
         fn += 1 #<------ wrong calculations caused in this line

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