根据其值更改文本框的宽度 - javascript


<asp:TextBox ID="TxtbSizeOzel" runat="server" CssClass="text-center"></asp:TextBox>$


TxtbSizeOzel.Attributes.Add("onKeyUp", "Expand(this)");


function Expand(obj)
   if (!obj.savesize) obj.savesize = obj.size;
    obj.size = Math.max(obj.savesize, obj.value.length);




在这里,输入始终与输入字符相同,无论您在运行脚本之前输入,删除还是给它一个值:Demo here

//this is a plugin snippet (or function) to check if the element has
//horizontal scrollbar
$.fn.hasHorizontalScrollBar = function() {
  if (this[0].clientWidth < this[0].scrollWidth) {
    return true
  } else {
    return false
//the end of plugin

var originalWidth=$('.txt').width(); //we store the original width
//(the width of the input at the page load) in a variable to use it as a 
//measurement in order to not let the input get smaller than this size 

//this function checks the width of `.txt` (the input) to see if it has 
//horizontal scrollbar or not, if it does then expands the width of the input to
//the scroll size, else it checks to see if the width is added to the 
//original width, if so, removes one character (depending on the font size it'll
//change - here it is 7 px)
function changeWidth(){
    else if(originalWidth<$('.txt').width()){
//end of the function

changeWidth(); //run the function at page load, to give the input a size as wide as its
// character's length

$('.txt').keydown(changeWidth); //assign the function to the keydown event of the input
//so whenever a character is added or removed the function will run again

如果我得到url(''),我该如何使用另一个URL - javascript

我是新手,正在写这篇文章,但是如果源上没有图像,那么我只有空白。有人可以告诉我,如果我正在获取背景图像,如何获取/images/no-image.jpg:url();这是我的代码:<div class="uk-clearfix uk-position-relative"> <div class="recipeb…

Jsonp没有出现``访问控制允许来源''错误 - javascript

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Javascript IF语句 - javascript

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提交初始化后删除某些帖子数据 - javascript

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Javascript历史记录。如果不是当前站点,请默认转到页面 - javascript

我在搜索结果中使用以下history.go,并具有跨浏览器可接受的结果。我希望使用PHP解决方案,但这会满足需求,直到我意识到一个更大的问题。<a href="javascript:history.go(-1)">Return To Search Results</a> 我唯一的问题是查看者来自不是源自搜索页面ht…