Xpath setAttribute致命错误调用成员函数setAttribute - php



    <request servicekey="service key" branchcode="branch" language="EN" postalcode="Postal Code" country="CA" email="[email protected]">
            <pax id="1" birthdate="19790215" firstname="John" lastname="Smith" />
            <pax id="2" birthdate="19800828" firstname="Jane" lastname="Smith" />
            <plan code="Plan Code" >
                    <pax id="1" sumins="1200.00" />
                    <pax id="2" sumins="1480.31" />
            <payment amount="246.24" type="VI" ccnum="4111111111111111" ccexp="0711" ccname="John Smith" />

从这里,我只需获取付款节点和ccnum属性即可对其进行编辑(xml保存为$ requestXML):

$_req = new DOMDocument();
$_xpathReq = new DOMXPath($_req);
$_reqDom = $_xpathReq->query("/xml/request/payments/payment");
$requestXML = $_req->saveXML();    


$ responseXML有点不同:

<string xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
        <request servicekey="service key" branchcode="branch code" language="EN" postalcode="Postal Code" country="CA" email="[email protected]">
                <pax id="1" birthdate="19790215" firstname="John" lastname="Smith" />
                <pax id="2" birthdate="19800828" firstname="Jane" lastname="Smith" />
                <plan code="Plan Code">
                        <pax id="1" sumins="1200.00" />
                        <pax id="2" sumins="1480.31" />
                <payment amount="246.24" type="VI" ccnum="4111111111111111" ccexp="0711" ccname="John Smith" />
                <error>Purchase Card Processing was not approved [-1]:Cancelled: null | CARD: **** | Exp: 1407 | Amount: $246.24</error>


$_req = new DOMDocument();
    $_xpathReq = new DOMXPath($_req);
    $_reqDom = $_xpathReq->query("/string/xml/request/payments/payment");
    $responseXML = $_req->saveXML(); 

但是当我运行它时,我得到Fatal error: Call to a member function setAttribute() on a non-object指向包含$_reqDom->item(0)->setAttribute('ccnum','*****');的行




$response = new DOMDocument();
$selector = new DOMXPath($response);

// get the root namespace
$rootNamespace = $response->lookupNamespaceUri(
// and register it with $selector. I'm using 'x' as the prefix
// you are free to use a different prefix
$selector->registerNamespace('x', $rootNamespace);

// You won't need to specify the whole path. You could just grab 
// all payment node regardless of their location in the xml tree
$result = $selector->query('//x:payment');
foreach($result as $node) {
    $node->setAttribute('ccnum', '*****');

$responseXml = $response->saveXML();
echo $responseXml;

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