使用jQuery或PHP进行文本比较 - php





In this chapter, you learn some real time-savers. If you are tired of defining
the same layers, along with units, grid, snap, and ltscale, for each new
drawing, read on. You are about to learn how to create your own template
drawings. With templates, you can begin each new drawing with setups
you have defined and saved in previous MEMA sessions, or with a
variety of predefined setups included in the software.
In addition, you learn to reshape the grid using the LIMITS command
and to copy, move, and array objects on the screen so that you
do not have to draw the same thing twice. We begin with the LIMITS
command, because we want to change the limits as part of defining
your first template.


In this chapter, you learn some real time-savers. If you are tired of defining the same layers, along with units, grid, snap, and ltscale, for each new drawing, read on. You are about to learn how to create your own template drawings. With templates, you can begin each new drawing with setups you have defined and saved in previous MEMA sessions, or with a variety of predefined setups included in the software.
In addition, you learn to reshape the grid using the LIMITS command and to copy, move, and array objects on the screen so that you do not have to draw the same thing twice. We begin with the LIMITS command, because we want to change the limits as part of defining your first template.** 


您正在寻找“ Diff”实现,这并不是完全简单的。 PHP和JavaScript都有可能。


JavaScript based diff utility
PHP text diff script


Search for "JavaScript diff" on Stack Overflow
Search for "PHP diff" on Stack Overflow

PHP getallheaders替代 - php

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