Python:如何格式化循环以在字典列表中提取特定值? - python


class Global():
    prv_word = 'dumb'
    cur_word = 'dog'
    nxt_word = 'head'

class Animal():
    dog = [
    {'head': {'funny': [8 , 7 , 1],'dumb': [9 , 3 , 2],'poofy': [18 , 4 , 11]}},
    {'tail': {'funny': [12, 2 , 4], 'dumb': [3 , 9 , 7],'poofy':[28 , 5 , 60]}}]

dog_cur = f'Animal.{Global.cur_word}'

if hasattr(Animal, Global.cur_word):
    for list in dog_cur:
        if Global.nxt_word in list:
            adj = Global.nxt_word
            index = list.index(Global.nxt_word)
            for lis in list:
                if Global.prv_word in lis:
                    adj2 = Global.prv_word
                    index2 = lis.index(Global.prv)
                    end = dog_cur[index][adj][adj2]

##### TROUBLESHOOT #####
##### This works! But how do I format the loop to generate this result? #####

有人可以帮助我显示一种使该循环弹出的相关值为[9, 3, 2]的方法吗?


class Global():
    prv_word = 'dumb'
    cur_word = 'dog'
    nxt_word = 'head'

class Animal():
    dog = [
    {'head': {'funny': [8 , 7 , 1],'dumb': [9 , 3 , 2],'poofy': [18 , 4 , 11]}},
    {'tail': {'funny': [12, 2 , 4], 'dumb': [3 , 9 , 7],'poofy':[28 , 5 , 60]}}]

def find():
    animal_list = getattr(Animal,Global.cur_word, None)
    if animal_list is None: return None 

    animal_part = next(filter(lambda pdct: Global.nxt_word in pdct, animal_list), None)
    if animal_part is None: return None 

    if Global.nxt_word in animal_part and Global.prv_word in animal_part[Global.nxt_word]:
        animal_part_data = animal_part[Global.nxt_word][Global.prv_word]
        return animal_part_data
        return None


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