为什么我的标签不显示所有文本? - c#

public int dialog()
    Form prompt = new Form(); // creates form

    prompt.Width = 300;
    prompt.Height = 125;

    prompt.Text = "Adding Rows"; // title

    Label amountLabel = new Label() { Left = 50, Top = 0, Text = "Enter a number from 1-50" }; // label for prompt
    amountLabel.Font = new Font("Microsoft Sans Serif", 9.75F);
    TextBox value = new TextBox() { Left = 50, Top = 25, Width = prompt.Width / 2 }; // text box for prompt
    Button confirmation = new Button() { Text = "Ok", Left = prompt.Width / 2 - 50, Width = 50, Top = 50 }; // ok button
    confirmation.Click += (sender, e) => { prompt.Close(); }; // if clicked it will close

    prompt.AcceptButton = confirmation; // enter

    prompt.KeyPreview = true;
    prompt.KeyDown += (sender, e) =>
        if (e.KeyCode == Keys.Escape) prompt.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; // user presses ESC key to close

    // adding the controls

    // returning and checking if int block
    int num;
    Int32.TryParse(value.Text, out num);
    return num;


Label amountLabel = new Label() { Left = 50, Top = 0, Text = "Enter a number from 1-50" };

问题是它最多只能显示“输入数字”。由于某种原因,它不会显示全文。我尝试使用更短的“ E”,它奏效了。我什至尝试过“输入一个来自的号码”,但它仍然没有完全显示出来。



Label amountLabel
    = new Label { AutoSize = true, Left = 50, Top = 0, Text = "Enter a number from 1-50" };

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