如何用PHP平衡标签 - php


<p>The quick <a href="/">brown</a> fox jumps <!--more-->
over the <a href="/">lazy</a> dog.</p>


<p>The quick <a href="/">brown</a> fox jumps FOOBAR



array(2) {
  string(50) "<p>The quick <a href="/">brown</a> fox jumps "
  string(45) " over the <a href="/">lazy</a> dog.</p>"



$reader = new XMLReader;
$writer = new XMLWriter;

// load the XML string into the XMLReader
$reader->xml('<p>The quick <a href="/">brown</a> fox jumps <!--more--> over the <a href="/">lazy</a> dog.</p>');
// write the new XML to memory
$done = false;

// XMLReader::read() moves the current read location to the next node
while ( !$done && $reader->read()) {
    // choose action based on the node type
    switch ($reader->nodeType) {
        case XMLReader::ELEMENT:
            // read an element, so write it back to the output
            if ($reader->hasAttributes) {
                // loop through all attributes and write them
                while($reader->moveToNextAttribute()) {
                    $writer->writeAttribute($reader->name, $reader->value);
                // move back to the beginning of the element
            // if the tag is empty, close it now
            if ($reader->isEmptyElement) {
        case XMLReader::END_ELEMENT:
        case XMLReader::TEXT:
        case XMLReader::COMMENT:
            // you  can change this to be more flexible if you need
            // e.g. preg_match, trim, etc.
            if (trim($reader->value) == 'more') {

                // write whatever you want in here. If you have xml text
                // you want to write verbatim, use writeRaw() instead of text()

                // this is where the magic happens -- endDocument closes
                // any remaining open tags
                // stop the loop (could use "break 2", but that gets confusing
                $done = true;
echo $writer->outputMemory();

php Singleton类实例将在多个会话中保留吗? - php

举一个简单的例子,如果我想计算一个不使用磁盘存储的脚本的命中次数,我可以使用静态类成员来执行此操作吗?用户1:<?php $test = Example::singleton(); $test->visits++; ?> 用户2:<?php $test = Example::singleton(); $test->visits+…

PHP-复选框组 - php

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Div单击与单选按钮相同吗? - php

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使用Ajax呈现html表 - php

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PHP:检查谁看过发送的电子邮件? - php

我正在向某些用户发送电子邮件,并且想知道是谁阅读的,这意味着如果有人阅读了该电子邮件,则将维护一个日志文件,其中包含该用户的电子邮件地址以及日期/时间/ IP。为此,我发送一个带有电子邮件(html模板)的javascript函数,当用户打开该电子邮件时,它仅会警告用户的电子邮件地址,例如:for($n=0; $n<sizeof($checkBox);…