C#游戏中While循环崩溃 - c#

我正在为一个项目创建Kinect Text Adventure游戏。我知道代码不是很好,但是该项目在游戏效果方面的功能远胜于游戏本身,因此不必太复杂。这部分代码用于使用某些骨骼位置来逐步进行游戏。我遇到的问题是我正在尝试使用while循环,以便根据f的当前值,它将进入该特定房间。唯一的问题是,当我使用while循环时,它总是在启动之前就崩溃了。我不确定是什么问题

private void ProcessGesture(Joint head, Joint handleft, Joint handright)

        while (f!=0)

            if (handright.Position.Y > head.Position.Y && handleft.Position.Y > head.Position.Y && f == 1)
                txtBox1.Text = "You find yourself at the foot of a large mountain, with a gaping cave at the front. \nYou have come here to find the Lost Sword of Gaia and you have heard that it lies \nhere in the Cave of Borlak the Red. You can move east";
                f = 2;
                this.btnangle.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                this.slider1.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                this.Degree.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                this.helpbtn.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;


            if (handright.Position.X > 0.3 && f == 2)
                txtBox1.Text = "You walk up to the entrance of the cave and spot and \nlittle goblin wearing a suit of armour and holding a spear. \n'I'm so bored' he says. 'What I need is a good high five'\nYou can go west";
                f = 3;
                this.sadGoblin.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
            if ((f == 3 && handright.Position.Y > head.Position.Y) || (f == 3 && handleft.Position.Y > head.Position.Y))
                Uri uri1 = new Uri("/SkeletalTracking;component/Resources/hgoblin.jpg", UriKind.Relative);

                ImageSource source1 = new BitmapImage(uri1);

                this.sadGoblin.Source = source1;

                txtBox1.Text = "'Ah, thank you kind stranger, for that I shall let you in'.\n The goblin steps to the side ";

                f = 4;
            if (f == 4 && handright.Position.Y > head.Position.Y && handleft.Position.Y > head.Position.Y)
                this.sadGoblin.Visibility = Visibility.Hidden;
                txtBox1.Text = "You are now in the main hall of the mountain. You can hear chanting and singing from the north.\nYou see a statue in the middle of the room and two doors to the left and right of it";
                f = 5;
            if (f == 5 && handleft.Position.X < -0.3)
                txtBox1.Text = "This is Borlak's treasure room. In here are all of the things he has colleted over the years\nSome bought and some not so bought.\nYour eyes are drawn to a necklace in a glass case in the center of the room.\nThere is also a picture of Borlak holding a giant chunk of ham\nYou can go east";
                f = 6;

            if (f == 6 && handright.Position.X > 0.3)
                f = 5;
            //else if (f == 5 && handright.Position.X > 0.3)
            // {
            //     txtBox1.Text = "";
            // }





int caseSwitch = 1;

switch (caseSwitch)

case 1:
    Console.WriteLine("Case 1");
case 2:
    Console.WriteLine("Case 2");
    Console.WriteLine("Default case");


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