如果href或src的开头不是http,https或www,则PHP删除特定的标记或img标记 - php



<img src="/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/photography-business-2.jpg" alt="photography business growth 1 650x430 6 Simple Ways To Help Grow Your Photography Business" width="650" height="430" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-609513" title="6 Simple Ways To Help Grow Your Photography Business"/>

<a href="/photography-business-growth/" rel="nofollow">Read more about Photography Business Growth &gt;</a>


$string_1 = '
<div class="mainpost"><p><img src="/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/photography-business-2.jpg" alt="photography business growth 1 650x430 6 Simple Ways To Help Grow Your Photography Business" width="650" height="430" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-609513" title="6 Simple Ways To Help Grow Your Photography Business"/></p>
<div class="mainpost"><p><img src="http://www.domain.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/photography-business-2.jpg" alt="photography business growth 1 650x430 6 Simple Ways To Help Grow Your Photography Business" width="650" height="430" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-609513" title="6 Simple Ways To Help Grow Your Photography Business"/></p>
<p><a href="http://domain.com/photography-business-growth/" rel="nofollow">Read more about Photography Business Growth &gt;</a></p>
<p>Photography Business Growth | With a world wide recession, photographers and small business owners are forced, more than ever, to think creatively, to think differently and outside of the box. With very little or no money to invest in your business, can you move forward? How can you build your brand and make sure to get happier, paying clients through your door?<br/><span id="more-609494"/></p>
<p>If you take good shots it doesn’t mean you’ll gain success and popularity among customers. For those of you who have survived start=up and built successful brands, you may be wondering which step to take next to grow your business beyond its current status. There are numerous possibilities, some of which we’ll outline here. You need to know how to sell yourself well! Everything is quite simple and you can do it yourself.</p>
<p><a href="/photography-business-growth/" rel="nofollow">Read more about Photography Business Growth &gt;</a></p>

$string_2= '
<div class="mainpost"><p></p>
<div class="mainpost"><p><img src="http://www.domain.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/photography-business-2.jpg" alt="photography business growth 1 650x430 6 Simple Ways To Help Grow Your Photography Business" width="650" height="430" class="alignnone size-large wp-image-609513" title="6 Simple Ways To Help Grow Your Photography Business"/></p>
<p><a href="http://domain.com/photography-business-growth/" rel="nofollow">Read more about Photography Business Growth &gt;</a></p>
<p>Photography Business Growth | With a world wide recession, photographers and small business owners are forced, more than ever, to think creatively, to think differently and outside of the box. With very little or no money to invest in your business, can you move forward? How can you build your brand and make sure to get happier, paying clients through your door?<br/><span id="more-609494"/></p>
<p>If you take good shots it doesn’t mean you’ll gain success and popularity among customers. For those of you who have survived start=up and built successful brands, you may be wondering which step to take next to grow your business beyond its current status. There are numerous possibilities, some of which we’ll outline here. You need to know how to sell yourself well! Everything is quite simple and you can do it yourself.</p>



这是PHP中的第一种方法。它适用于您的示例数据。 $ string_2中缺少尾部的“


$string_3 = $string_1;
$pattern = "([^wh]|w[^w]|ww[^w]|h[^t]|ht[^t]|htt[^p])";
$string_3 = preg_replace("/<img src=\"".$pattern."[^>]*>/","",$string_3);
$string_3 = preg_replace("/<a href=\"".$pattern."[^>]*>[^<]*<\/a>/","",$string_3);

Div单击与单选按钮相同吗? - php

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PHP stringID无法从回显中读入onclick - javascript

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