如果有数字间隔,则计算分组中位数 - python


     df = pd.DataFrame({'Class': [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11], 
               'Class Interval': ['16.25-18.75', '18.75-21.25', '21.25-23.75', 
                                  '23.75-26.25', '26.25-28.75', '28.75-31.25',
                                  '31.25-33.75', '33.75-36.25', '36.25-38.75',
                                  '38.75-41.25', '41.25-43.75'],
              '??' : [2,7,7,14,17,24,11,11,3,3,1],
              'Cumulative ??': [2,9,16,30,47,71,82,93,96,99,100],
              '??/n' : [.02,.07,.07,.14,.17,.24,.11,.11,.03,.03,.01],
              'Cumulative ??/n' : [.02, .09,.16,.30,.47,.71,.82,.93,.96,.99,1.00]})

        Class   Class Interval   ??   Cumulative  ??     ??/?    Cumulative  ??/? 
    0   1       16.25-18.75      2          2            0.02   0.02
    1   2       18.75-21.25      7          9            0.07   0.09
    2   3       21.25-23.75      7         16            0.07   0.16
    3   4       23.75-26.25     14         30            0.14   0.30
    4   5       26.25-28.75     17         47            0.17   0.47
    5   6       28.75-31.25     24         71            0.24   0.71
    6   7       31.25-33.75     11         82            0.11   0.82
    7   8       33.75-36.25     11         93            0.11   0.93
    8   9       36.25-38.75     3          96            0.03   0.96
    9   10      38.75-41.25     3          99            0.03   0.99
    10  11      41.25-43.75     1         100            0.01   1.00




    # importing median_grouped from the statistics module 
    from statistics import median_grouped

    # printing median_grouped for the set 
    print("Grouped Median is %s" %(median_grouped(df['Class Interval']))) 


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-26-491000133032> in <module>
      5 # printing median_grouped for the set
----> 6 print("Grouped Median is %s" %(median_grouped(df['Class Interval'])))

~\Anaconda3\ANACONDA\lib\statistics.py in median_grouped(data, interval)
    463     for obj in (x, interval):
    464         if isinstance(obj, (str, bytes)):
--> 465             raise TypeError('expected number but got %r' % obj)
    466     try:
    467         L = x - interval/2  # The lower limit of the median interval.

TypeError: expected number but got '28.75-31.25'






# Obtaining lower, upper and middle interval value
df['lower'] = df['Class Interval'].str.split('-', expand=True)[0].astype(float)
df['upper'] = df['Class Interval'].str.split('-', expand=True)[1].astype(float)
df['middle'] = (df['lower'] + df['upper'] ) / 2

# Generating an artificial list of values with the same statistical info
artificial_data_list = []
for index, row in df.iterrows():
flat_list = [item for sublist in artificial_data_list for item in sublist]

# Calcuating the right median with the statistics.mean_grouped function
median_grouped(flat_list,interval=2.5)   # Attention to the interval size!
# => 29.0625

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