scipy interp1d中的错误 - python


In [131]: bb
array([ 0.        ,  1.80286595,  1.87443683,  2.70410611,  3.02764722,
        3.11305985,  3.11534355,  3.18695351,  3.20693444])

In [132]: alphas1
array([  3.80918778e+00,   2.06547222e+00,   1.99234191e+00,
         7.55942418e-01,   2.56971574e-01,   1.05144676e-01,
         9.30852046e-02,   1.52574183e-02,   1.23664407e-07])

In [135]: bb.shape
Out[135]: (9,)

In [136]: alphas1.shape
Out[140]: (9,)

In [141]: pol = interp1d(alphas1, bb, bounds_error=False)

In [149]: pol(pol.x)
Out[149]: array([ nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan,  nan]) # I was expecting to receive nan only at the borders.


我认为,如果您检查interp1d类的source code,即_check_bounds方法,则可以看到问题所在:

def _check_bounds(self, x_new):


    below_bounds = x_new < self.x[0]
    above_bounds = x_new > self.x[-1]

    # !! Could provide more information about which values are out of bounds
    if self.bounds_error and below_bounds.any():
        raise ValueError("A value in x_new is below the interpolation "
    if self.bounds_error and above_bounds.any():
        raise ValueError("A value in x_new is above the interpolation "



bb = bb[::-1]
alphas1 = alphas[::-1]
pol = interp1d(alphas1, bb, bounds_error=False)


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