Java将ArrayList映射到HashMap - java

我给页面提供了ArrayList ,其中每个文档都有一个称为type的属性。


我想将此ArrayList排序为HashMap ,但是在解决它时遇到了一些麻烦。


for (int i = 0; i < documents.size(); i++) 
   if there is an array for documents[i].type
   add to this array
   else create a new array for this type
   add document[i].type and the array of documents with matching type to the hashmap




// create the map to store stuff, note I'm using a List instead of an array
// in my opinion it's a bit cleaner
Map<String, List<Document>> map = new HashMap<String, List<Document>>();

// now iterate through each document
for(Document d : documents){

    // check to see if this type is already known
    List<Document> list = map.get(d.type);

    if(list == null){
        // list is null when it wasn't found in the map
        // this is a new type, create a new list
        list = new ArrayList<Document>();

        // store the list in the map
        map.put(d.type, list);

    // finally, whether we got a hit or a miss, we want
    // to add this document to the list for this type

java:继承 - java

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