从另一个JSON数组中的JSON数组中检索多个JSON对象? - java


产品数组中的每个产品都有一个称为“ images”的嵌套数组,其中包含6个产品图像。这些图像需要存储在我的Product对象的HashMap属性中,图像大小作为键,URL作为值。但是,我似乎无法正确解决。

查询“ pokemon”的JSON数据:https://api.bol.com/catalog/v4/search/?apikey=25C4742A92BF468EB2BD888FC8FBFF40&format=json&q=pokemon


package com.example.bolcombrowser.domain;

import java.util.Map;

public class Product {

    // Attributes
    private String mTitle;
    private String mSummary;
    private double mPrice;
    private Map < String, String > mImageUrls;

    // Constructor
    public Product(String mTitle, String mSummary, double mPrice, Map < String, String > mImageUrls) {
        this.mTitle = mTitle;
        this.mSummary = mSummary;
        this.mPrice = mPrice;
        this.mImageUrls = mImageUrls;

    // Getters and Setters
    public String getmTitle() {
        return mTitle;

    public void setmTitle(String mTitle) {
        this.mTitle = mTitle;

    public String getmSummary() {
        return mSummary;

    public void setmSummary(String mSummary) {
        this.mSummary = mSummary;

    public double getmPrice() {
        return mPrice;

    public void setmPrice(double mPrice) {
        this.mPrice = mPrice;

    public Map < String, String > getImageUrls() {
        return mImageUrls;

    public void setImageUrls(Map < String, String > imageUrls) {
        this.mImageUrls = imageUrls;


public static ArrayList < Product > parseJson(String productJsonStr) throws JSONException {

    /* JSON array names. */
    final String BOL_PRODUCTS = "products";
    final String BOL_IMAGES = "images";
    final String BOL_OFFERS = "offers";

    /* JSON key names. */
    final String BOL_TITLE = "title";
    final String BOL_SUMMARY = "summary";
    final String BOL_OFFERDATA = "offerData";
    final String BOL_PRICE = "price";
    final String BOL_KEY = "key";
    final String BOL_URL = "url";

    /* Variables to store product data into, and is then used to create new Product objects. */
    String title;
    String summary;
    double price;
    Map < String, String > imageUrls = new HashMap < > ();

    /* ArrayList to store products into. */
    ArrayList < Product > productList = new ArrayList < > ();

    JSONObject productsJson = new JSONObject(productJsonStr);

    JSONArray productsArray = productsJson.getJSONArray(BOL_PRODUCTS);

    for (int i = 0; i < productsArray.length(); i++) {
        JSONObject product = productsArray.getJSONObject(i);

        /* Retrieve the title and summary of each product. */
        title = product.getString(BOL_TITLE);
        summary = product.getString(BOL_SUMMARY);

        JSONArray imagesArray = product.getJSONArray(BOL_IMAGES);

        for (int j = 0; j < imagesArray.length(); j++) {
            JSONObject image = imagesArray.getJSONObject(j);

            /* Retrieve each product's image sizes and URLs and store them into a HashMap. */
            String imageSize = image.getString(BOL_KEY);
            String imageUrl = image.getString(BOL_URL);

            imageUrls.put(imageSize, imageUrl);

        JSONObject offerData = product.getJSONObject(BOL_OFFERDATA);
        JSONArray offers = offerData.getJSONArray(BOL_OFFERS);
        JSONObject offer = offers.getJSONObject(0);
        price = offer.getDouble(BOL_PRICE);

        productList.add(new Product(title, summary, price, imageUrls));

    return productList;


protected void onPostExecute(String productData) {
    if (productData != null) {
        ArrayList < Product > productList;

        try {
            productList = JsonUtils.parseJson(productData);

            for (Product product: productList) {
                String title = product.getmTitle();
                String summary = product.getmSummary();
                double price = product.getmPrice();
                String hashMap = product.getImageUrls().toString();

                mTextViewOutput.append(title + "\n\n" + summary + "\n\n" + price + "\n\n" +
                    hashMap + "\n\n\n\n\n");
        } catch (JSONException e) {


从另一个JSON数组中的JSON数组中检索多个JSON对象? - java



您的Map<String, String> imageUrls = new HashMap<>();放在错误的位置。它应该在第一个for循环内,否则所有产品都使用相同的Map

for (int i = 0; i < productsArray.length(); i++) {
    Map<String, String> imageUrls = new HashMap<>();


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