熊猫Pivot_Table保留顺序 - python

>>> df
   A   B   C      D
0  foo one small  1
1  foo one large  2
2  foo one large  2
3  foo two small  3
4  foo two small  3
5  bar one large  4
6  bar one small  5
7  bar two small  6
8  bar two large  7
>>> table = pivot_table(df, values='D', index=['A', 'B'],
...                     columns=['C'], aggfunc=np.sum)
>>> table
          small  large
foo  one  1      4
     two  6      NaN
bar  one  5      4
     two  6      7



创建pivot_table时,索引会自动按字母顺序排序。不仅foobar,您还可能会注意到smalllarge已排序。如果要在顶部使用foo,则可能需要使用sort再次sortlevel。如果期望像example here中那样输出,则可能需要同时对AC进行排序。

table.sortlevel(["A","B"], ascending= [False,True], sort_remaining=False, inplace=True)
table.sortlevel(["C"], axis=1, ascending=False,  sort_remaining=False, inplace=True)


C        small  large
A   B                
foo one  1.0    4.0  
    two  6.0    NaN   
bar one  5.0    4.0  
    two  6.0    7.0  



table.columns.name = None
table.index.names = (None, None)

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