递归泛型类型列表 - java


interface Base<X extends Base<X>> {
    X foo();
class Derived implements Base<Derived> {
    public Derived foo() { ... }
    public Derived bar() { ... }
class Derived2 implements Base<Derived2> {
    public Derived2 foo() { ... }
    public void quz() { ... }


interface Policy<B extends Base<B>> {
  B apply(B b);


class DerivedPolicy implements Policy<Derived> {
   public Derived apply(Derived d) {
     return d.foo().bar();


class GeneralPolicy implements Policy {
     public Base apply(Base b) {
         return b.foo();

上面的代码可以编译,但是会发出有关GeneralPolicy中未经检查的类型的警告,这很准确,因为Base没有指定其通用类型。第一个明显的解决方法是GeneralPolicy implements Policy<Base>,w

Test.java:26: error: type argument Base is not within bounds of type-variable B
class GeneralPolicy implements Policy<Base> {
  where B is a type-variable:
    B extends Base<B> declared in interface Policy

使用GeneralPolicy implements Policy<Base<?>>也不起作用:

Test.java:26: error: type argument Base<?> is not within bounds of type-variable B
class GeneralPolicy implements Policy<Base<?>> {
  where B is a type-variable:
    B extends Base<B> declared in interface Policy

我最后尝试了:GeneralPolicy implements Policy<Base<? extends Base<?>>>

Test.java:26: error: type argument Base<? extends Base<?>> is not within bounds of type-variable B
class GeneralPolicy implements Policy<Base<? extends Base<?->- {
  where B is a type-variable:
    B extends Base<B> declared in interface Policy



在Java 5+中,返回类型可以为covariant,因此您无需使用泛型,因此一开始您就有:

interface Base {
    Base foo();
class Derived implements Base {
    public Derived foo() { ... }
    public Derived bar() { ... }


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