试图弄清楚为什么在第12行出现打印语法错误 - python

这是我必须为我的编程类完成的一些非常基本的代码,我被困在这里,但出现打印语法错误,尽管我大约99%确信要在python 2.7.9中打印内容的格式是print“ text here ”。请帮助Google搜索目前无济于事,我敢肯定这可能是一种快速解决方案。

minTot = 0
stepTot = 0
min = int(raw_input("Input the number of minutes (0 to exit): "))
if min == 0:
   print "No minutes input."
   while min != 0:
      minTot = minTot + min
      stepRate = int(raw_input("Input the step rate: "))
      stepTot = stepTot + stepRate * min
      min = int(raw_input("Input the next number of minutes (0 to exit): ")
   print "\nTotal number of minutes:", min
   print "Total number of steps:", stepTot 
   # Average is rounded down.
   print "Average step rate per minute: ", minTot/stepTot



min = int(raw_input("Input the next number of minutes (0 to exit): ")