关于“ Java - Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class? - Stack Overflow”的疑惑

JasonLaw:在java - Why are only final variables accessible in anonymous class? - Stack Overflow中,Jon Skeet 说了这么一段话:

When you create an instance of an anonymous inner class, any variables which are used within that class have their values copied in via the autogenerated constructor. This avoids the compiler having to autogenerate various extra types to hold the logical state of the "local variables", as for example the C# compiler does... (When C# captures a variable in an anonymous function, it really captures the variable - the closure can update the variable in a way which is seen by the main body of the method, and vice versa.)

我对“This avoids the compiler having to autogenerate various extra types to hold the logical state of the "local variables", as for example the C# compiler does...”的理解是:如果要实现 full closures support,那么就需要产生一个共享的数据结构用来包含外部方法和内部类所共同访问的变量,这样两者都是使用同一个数据源,那么一方对变量的改变就会对另一方可见,类似Ivan Dubrov 所说的。



lxk11153:好像有点道理 [doge]

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