[北京] 美资独角兽外企 iOS、android 高级工程师

careerxiao:某独角兽外企公司招聘高级 /资深 android,iOS 高级工程师。

邮箱: [email protected]

211 、985 学校本科以上学历,基础扎实,思维敏捷,算法过关。

Senior Android Engineer
A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related technical field
A solid foundation in computer science with strong competencies in data structures, algorithms, and software design
Programming experience in Java
Experience in mobile application development.
Experience in China Android ecosystem.
Relocation to Beijing, China. This position is based in Beijing.
Strong spoken and written English skills.
Exceptional candidates will have:
5 years of programming experience in Java
Considerable programming experience using Android Studio and the Android SDK
Proficient in the following technologies: Java language and related frameworks, multi-threading and memory management specific to mobile devices, understanding of caching mechanisms
Experience designing clean and maintainable APIs
Experience with multithreaded programming
Experience writing unit tests and testable code

Senior iOS Engineer
A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related technical field
A solid foundation in computer science with strong competencies in data structures, algorithms, and software design
Some programming experience in Objective-C and Swift
Relocation to Beijing, China. This position is based in Beijing.
Strong spoken and written English skills.
Exceptional candidates will have:
5 years of programming experience in either Objective-C or Swift
Strong technical knowledge of iOS mobile application development for iPhone/iPad using Objective-C/Swift with Cocoa Touch and related frameworks
Experience designing clean and maintainable APIs
Experience with multithreaded programming
Experience writing unit tests and testable code
Knowledge of iOS SDK performance tools and optimization techniques

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[北京-作业帮] 招聘测试开发工程师 15-25K

rey930610:职位描述 工作职责: 1.担任作业帮测试开发工程师,负责部分产品的功能 /接口 /部分自动化专项等测试工作。 2.根据产品设计和应用场景进行测试需求分析、测试设计、测试开发、测试执行,完成测试总结和测试报告。 3.与产品 PM 、RD 、UE 等密切合作,快速迭代产品,并推向市场。 任职资格:1.工作经验 1 年及以上、2017 年优秀毕…

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[小米内推][北京 武汉 南京 深圳 上海 海外]

OldJii:HC:不少 Base:北京、武汉、南京、深圳、上海、海外 链接:点这 反正各位都大佬,这里投校招的又少,基本社招,我就不多说了,有问题留言或下面微信联系 WeChat:b2xkamlp