[PayPal 上海内推]全球顶级风控团队众多 Java /大数据以及中国业务团队职位等职位热招中!

elsazhou910:全球领先支付平台 PayPal 上海大量职位热招中!这里有 Java,大数据,前端,数据工程师等职位虚位以待!已经好几位通过 V2EX 内推获得了 offer !

这里有全球顶级的风控团队和技术大牛! 这里有令人舒适的 Work & Life balance 外企氛围,让你工作愉悦不秃头!不 996 !福利好!有股票!

[内推方式] 发送邮件至 [email protected]

标题 [内推-V2EX-姓名-意向岗位]

[P&T Sr. Software Engineer ] The Product & Technology, China team is looking for strong technologists to join the team in Shanghai The ideal candidate is a self-starter and self-motivated individual with strong passion and experience in software development lifecycles for Financial systems. The candidate should have the technical expertise to lead software and architecture discussions and guide cross-functional product and engineering teams through functional definition, solution, and integration stages on a large scale. The candidate should possess a deep understanding of financial services and associated platforms and technology.

[Simulation (Java/Big Data) Platform Engineer] Develop high available, high performance, scalable infrastructure systems in a fast-growing Internet company. Work with various teams to deliver fantastic data processing/analytic platform as a core platform in PayPal to support worldwide business. Design, develop, test, release, and operate the platform with full SDLC with Agile methods.Performing troubleshooting and deal with production issues to provide good user experience.Work effectively in a global team across different time zones.

[Front-end Engineer]The ideal candidate is a self-starter and self-motivated individual with strong passion and experience in software development lifecycles for Financial systems. The candidate should have the technical expertise to lead software and architecture discussions and guide cross-functional product and engineering teams through functional definition, solution, and integration stages on large scale. The candidate should possess deep understanding of financial services and associated platforms and technology.

[Data Engineer]Data Engineer will directly report to and support Finance Data Solutions in the development and execution of strategic transformation programs & initiatives, strategic engineering architecture design, resource allocation, and platform performance monitoring. Ideal candidate is a technologist who believes that use of technology is in its infancy and the best is yet to come. The nature of role is strategic, analytical and highly collaborative, working with team members across World and also as a liaison for PayPal GoPay China launch.

Java:正则表达式模式匹配器是否有大小限制? - java

我的模式类似于OR:“word1 | word2 | word3”我大约有800个字。可能有问题吗? 参考方案 您仅受记忆和理智的限制。 :)

Java:线程池如何将线程映射到可运行对象 - java

试图绕过Java并发问题,并且很难理解线程池,线程以及它们正在执行的可运行“任务”之间的关系。如果我创建一个有10个线程的线程池,那么我是否必须将相同的任务传递给池中的每个线程,或者池化的线程实际上只是与任务无关的“工人无人机”可用于执行任何任务?无论哪种方式,Executor / ExecutorService如何将正确的任务分配给正确的线程? 参考方案 …

在Zip文件中以编程方式创建链接-Java - java

我正在使用ZipOutputStream创建一个zip文件。也将有一个清单文件(一个csv文件),该文件具有指向Zip文件中条目的链接。如何以编程方式为zip条目创建链接? 参考方案 如果在编写它们时跟踪所有条目,则应该能够添加另一个包含“链接”的条目(但是csv如何链接到文件?请指定要实现的目标)。如果打算在Windows下使用该文件,则可以以编程方式创建…

Java:我可以在Hashmaps中使用数组吗? - java

我可以在Hashmaps中使用数组吗?如果是这样,则声明这种哈希图的确切语法是什么?谢谢 参考方案 数组也是对象。甚至像int[]这样的原始数组。Map<String,String[]> map = new HashMap<String,String[]>();

JAVA:字节码和二进制有什么区别? - java

java字节代码(已编译的语言,也称为目标代码)与机器代码(当前计算机的本机代码)之间有什么区别?我读过一些书,他们将字节码称为二进制指令,但我不知道为什么。 参考方案 字节码是独立于平台的,在Windows中运行的编译器编译的字节码仍将在linux / unix / mac中运行。机器代码是特定于平台的,如果在Windows x86中编译,则它将仅在Win…