当列表可以附加其他任务时用于等待Task.WhenAny(List <T>)的适当模式 - c#



List<Task> taskList = new List<Task>();

await Task.WhenAny(taskList);



    static readonly List<Task<int>> taskList = new List<Task<int>>();
    static readonly Random rnd = new Random(1);

    static async Task<int> RunTaskAsync(int taskID,int taskDuration)
        await Task.Yield();
        Console.WriteLine("Starting Task: {0} with a duration of {1} seconds", taskID, taskDuration / 1000);
        await Task.Delay(taskDuration);  // mimic some work
        return taskID;
    static async Task AddTasksAsync(int numTasks, int minDelay, int maxDelay)
        // Add numTasks asyncronously to the taskList
        // First task is added Syncronously and then we yield the adds to a worker

        taskList.Add(RunTaskAsync(1, 60000)); // Make the first task run for 60 seconds
        await Task.Delay(5000); // wait 5 seconds to ensure that the WhenAny is started with One task

        // remaing task run's are Yielded to a worker thread
        for (int i = 2; i <= numTasks; i++)
            await Task.Delay(rnd.Next(minDelay, maxDelay));
            taskList.Add(RunTaskAsync(i, rnd.Next(5, 30) * 1000));
    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start();

        // Start a Fire and Forget Task to create some running tasks
        var _ = AddTasksAsync(10, 1, 3000);

        // while there are tasks to complete use the main thread to process them as they comeplete
        while(taskList.Count > 0)
            var t = await Task.WhenAny(taskList);
            var i = await t;
            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} found to be completed at: {1}",i,sw.Elapsed);

        // All tasks have completed sucessfully - exit main thread


Starting Task: 1 with a duration of 60 seconds
Starting Task: 2 with a duration of 7 seconds
Starting Task: 3 with a duration of 24 seconds
Starting Task: 4 with a duration of 15 seconds
Starting Task: 5 with a duration of 28 seconds
Starting Task: 6 with a duration of 21 seconds
Starting Task: 7 with a duration of 11 seconds
Starting Task: 8 with a duration of 29 seconds
Starting Task: 9 with a duration of 21 seconds
Starting Task: 10 with a duration of 20 seconds
Task 1 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.1305811
Task 2 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.1312951
Task 3 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.1315689
Task 4 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.1317623
Task 5 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.1319427
Task 6 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.1321225
Task 7 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.1323002
Task 8 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.1324379
Task 9 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.1325962
Task 10 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.1327377



您显示的代码有问题,即在工作人员和任务创建者之间没有明智的沟通渠道。您需要某种消息传递机制来将新任务(以及没有更多任务的情况)通知工作人员,以便它可以对它做出反应。这是您必须为并发系统确定的事情,确切的实现与该问题有关,因此,我假设我们的工作程序中有OnTaskAdded(Task task)OnEnd()方法。



class Worker
    private List<Task> _tasks = new List<Task>();
    private readonly Stopwatch _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

    // Start the stopwatch in the constructor or in some kind of a StartProcessing method.

    void OnTaskAdded(Task<int> task)
        var taskWithContinuation = task.ContinueWith(t =>
            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} found to be completed at: {1}", t.Result, _stopwatch.Elapsed));

    async Task OnEndAsync()
        // We're finishing work and there will be no more tasks, it's safe to await them all now.
        await Task.WhenAll(_tasks);


public static async Task Main()
    Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch(); sw.Start();

    // Start a Fire and Forget Task to create some running tasks
    var _ = AddTasksAsync(10, 1, 3000);
    var internalList = new List<Task>();

    // while there are tasks to complete use the main thread to process them as they comeplete
    var i = 0;
    while (i < 10)
        while (taskList.Count <= i)
            // No new tasks, check again after a delay -- THIS IS VERY BAD!
            await Task.Delay(100);
        Console.WriteLine("Task {0} intercepted at: {1}", i + 1, sw.Elapsed);
        var taskWithContinuation = taskList[i].ContinueWith(t =>
            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} found to be completed at: {1}", t.Result, sw.Elapsed));
    await Task.WhenAll(internalList);


Task 1 intercepted at: 00:00:00.0495570
Starting Task: 1 with a duration of 60 seconds
Starting Task: 2 with a duration of 7 seconds
Task 2 intercepted at: 00:00:05.8459622
Starting Task: 3 with a duration of 24 seconds
Task 3 intercepted at: 00:00:07.2626124
Starting Task: 4 with a duration of 15 seconds
Task 4 intercepted at: 00:00:09.2257285
Starting Task: 5 with a duration of 28 seconds
Task 5 intercepted at: 00:00:10.3058738
Starting Task: 6 with a duration of 21 seconds
Task 6 intercepted at: 00:00:10.6376981
Starting Task: 7 with a duration of 11 seconds
Task 7 intercepted at: 00:00:10.7507146
Starting Task: 8 with a duration of 29 seconds
Task 8 intercepted at: 00:00:11.7107754
Task 2 found to be completed at: 00:00:12.8111589
Starting Task: 9 with a duration of 21 seconds
Task 9 intercepted at: 00:00:13.7883430
Starting Task: 10 with a duration of 20 seconds
Task 10 intercepted at: 00:00:14.6707959
Task 7 found to be completed at: 00:00:21.6692276
Task 4 found to be completed at: 00:00:24.2125638
Task 3 found to be completed at: 00:00:31.2276640
Task 6 found to be completed at: 00:00:31.5908324
Task 10 found to be completed at: 00:00:34.5585143
Task 9 found to be completed at: 00:00:34.7053864
Task 5 found to be completed at: 00:00:38.2616534
Task 8 found to be completed at: 00:00:40.6372696
Task 1 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.0720695



好吧,我很笨,我刚刚邀请您加入反模式。 Using ContinueWith is dangerous,而且它过于复杂-引入了async / await可以使我们免于手动安排连续性。您只需用Task<int>包装await并记录时间即可。

class Worker
    private List<Task> _tasks = new List<Task>();
    private readonly Stopwatch _stopwatch = new Stopwatch();

    // Start the stopwatch in the constructor or in some kind of a StartProcessing method.

    void OnTaskAdded(Task<int> task)
        var taskWithContinuation = ContinueWithLog(task);

    async Task OnEndAsync()
        // We're finishing work and there will be no more tasks, it's safe to await them all now.
        await Task.WhenAll(_tasks);

    private Task ContinueWithLog(Task<int> task)
        var i = await source;
        Console.WriteLine("Task {0} found to be completed at: {1}", i, sw.Elapsed);


class Program
    static readonly List<Task<int>> taskList = new List<Task<int>>();
    static readonly Random rnd = new Random(1);
    static readonly Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();

    static async Task<int> RunTaskAsync(int taskID, int taskDuration)
        await Task.Yield();
        Console.WriteLine("Starting Task: {0} with a duration of {1} seconds", taskID, taskDuration / 1000);
        await Task.Delay(taskDuration);  // mimic some work
        return taskID;
    static async Task AddTasksAsync(int numTasks, int minDelay, int maxDelay)
        // Add numTasks asyncronously to the taskList
        // First task is added Syncronously and then we yield the adds to a worker

        taskList.Add(RunTaskAsync(1, 60000)); // Make the first task run for 60 seconds
        await Task.Delay(5000); // wait 5 seconds to ensure that the WhenAny is started with One task

        // remaing task run's are Yielded to a worker thread
        for (int i = 2; i <= numTasks; i++)
            await Task.Delay(rnd.Next(minDelay, maxDelay));
            taskList.Add(RunTaskAsync(i, rnd.Next(5, 30) * 1000));

    public static async Task ContinueWithLog(Task<int> source)
        var i = await source;
        Console.WriteLine("Task {0} found to be completed at: {1}", i, sw.Elapsed);

    public static async Task Main()

        // Start a Fire and Forget Task to create some running tasks
        var _ = AddTasksAsync(10, 1, 3000);
        var internalList = new List<Task>();

        // while there are tasks to complete use the main thread to process them as they comeplete
        var i = 0;
        while (i < 10)
            while (taskList.Count <= i)
                // No new tasks, check again after a delay -- THIS IS VERY BAD!
                await Task.Delay(100);
            Console.WriteLine("Task {0} intercepted at: {1}", i + 1, sw.Elapsed);
        await Task.WhenAll(internalList);


Starting Task: 1 with a duration of 60 seconds
Task 1 intercepted at: 00:00:00.0525006
Starting Task: 2 with a duration of 7 seconds
Task 2 intercepted at: 00:00:05.8551382
Starting Task: 3 with a duration of 24 seconds
Task 3 intercepted at: 00:00:07.2687049
Starting Task: 4 with a duration of 15 seconds
Task 4 intercepted at: 00:00:09.2404507
Starting Task: 5 with a duration of 28 seconds
Task 5 intercepted at: 00:00:10.3325019
Starting Task: 6 with a duration of 21 seconds
Task 6 intercepted at: 00:00:10.6654663
Starting Task: 7 with a duration of 11 seconds
Task 7 intercepted at: 00:00:10.7809841
Starting Task: 8 with a duration of 29 seconds
Task 8 intercepted at: 00:00:11.7576237
Task 2 found to be completed at: 00:00:12.8151955
Starting Task: 9 with a duration of 21 seconds
Task 9 intercepted at: 00:00:13.7228579
Starting Task: 10 with a duration of 20 seconds
Task 10 intercepted at: 00:00:14.5829039
Task 7 found to be completed at: 00:00:21.6848699
Task 4 found to be completed at: 00:00:24.2089671
Task 3 found to be completed at: 00:00:31.2300136
Task 6 found to be completed at: 00:00:31.5847257
Task 10 found to be completed at: 00:00:34.5550722
Task 9 found to be completed at: 00:00:34.6904076
Task 5 found to be completed at: 00:00:38.2835777
Task 8 found to be completed at: 00:00:40.6445029
Task 1 found to be completed at: 00:01:00.0826952


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